This repository provides User Manual for setting up a Docker environment tailored for testing DGTD code.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2641 lines
105 KiB

import os
import sphinx
from breathe.parser import compound, compoundsuper, DoxygenCompoundParser
from breathe.project import ProjectInfo
from breathe.renderer import RenderContext
from breathe.renderer.filter import Filter
from import TargetHandler
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription
from import cpp, c, python
from sphinx.util.nodes import nested_parse_with_titles
from sphinx.util import url_re
from sphinx.ext.graphviz import graphviz
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.nodes import Node, TextElement
from docutils.statemachine import StringList, UnexpectedIndentationError
from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Text
from sphinxcontrib import phpdomain as php # type: ignore
except ImportError:
php = None
from sphinx_csharp import csharp as cs # type: ignore
except ImportError:
cs = None
import re
import textwrap
from typing import Any, Callable, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
ContentCallback = Callable[[addnodes.desc_content], None]
Declarator = Union[addnodes.desc_signature, addnodes.desc_signature_line]
DeclaratorCallback = Callable[[Declarator], None]
_debug_indent = 0
class WithContext:
def __init__(self, parent: "SphinxRenderer", context: RenderContext):
self.context = context
self.parent = parent
self.previous = None
def __enter__(self):
assert self.previous is None
self.previous = self.parent.context
return self
def __exit__(self, et, ev, bt):
self.parent.context = self.previous
self.previous = None
class BaseObject:
# Use this class as the first base class to make sure the overrides are used.
# Set the content_callback attribute to a function taking a docutils node.
def transform_content(self, contentnode: addnodes.desc_content) -> None:
super().transform_content(contentnode) # type: ignore
callback = getattr(self, "breathe_content_callback", None)
if callback is None:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CPPClassObject(BaseObject, cpp.CPPClassObject):
class CPPUnionObject(BaseObject, cpp.CPPUnionObject):
class CPPFunctionObject(BaseObject, cpp.CPPFunctionObject):
class CPPMemberObject(BaseObject, cpp.CPPMemberObject):
class CPPTypeObject(BaseObject, cpp.CPPTypeObject):
class CPPConceptObject(BaseObject, cpp.CPPConceptObject):
class CPPEnumObject(BaseObject, cpp.CPPEnumObject):
class CPPEnumeratorObject(BaseObject, cpp.CPPEnumeratorObject):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CStructObject(BaseObject, c.CStructObject):
class CUnionObject(BaseObject, c.CUnionObject):
class CFunctionObject(BaseObject, c.CFunctionObject):
class CMemberObject(BaseObject, c.CMemberObject):
class CTypeObject(BaseObject, c.CTypeObject):
class CEnumObject(BaseObject, c.CEnumObject):
class CEnumeratorObject(BaseObject, c.CEnumeratorObject):
class CMacroObject(BaseObject, c.CMacroObject):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PyFunction(BaseObject, python.PyFunction):
class PyAttribute(BaseObject, python.PyAttribute):
class PyClasslike(BaseObject, python.PyClasslike):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create multi-inheritance classes to merge BaseObject from Breathe with
# classes from phpdomain.
# We use capitalization (and the namespace) to differentiate between the two
if php is not None:
class PHPNamespaceLevel(BaseObject, php.PhpNamespacelevel):
"""Description of a PHP item *in* a namespace (not the space itself)."""
class PHPClassLike(BaseObject, php.PhpClasslike):
class PHPClassMember(BaseObject, php.PhpClassmember):
class PHPGlobalLevel(BaseObject, php.PhpGloballevel):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if cs is not None:
class CSharpCurrentNamespace(BaseObject, cs.CSharpCurrentNamespace):
class CSharpNamespacePlain(BaseObject, cs.CSharpNamespacePlain):
class CSharpClass(BaseObject, cs.CSharpClass):
class CSharpStruct(BaseObject, cs.CSharpStruct):
class CSharpInterface(BaseObject, cs.CSharpInterface):
class CSharpInherits(BaseObject, cs.CSharpInherits):
class CSharpMethod(BaseObject, cs.CSharpMethod):
class CSharpVariable(BaseObject, cs.CSharpVariable):
class CSharpProperty(BaseObject, cs.CSharpProperty):
class CSharpEvent(BaseObject, cs.CSharpEvent):
class CSharpEnum(BaseObject, cs.CSharpEnum):
class CSharpEnumValue(BaseObject, cs.CSharpEnumValue):
class CSharpAttribute(BaseObject, cs.CSharpAttribute):
class CSharpIndexer(BaseObject, cs.CSharpIndexer):
class CSharpXRefRole(BaseObject, cs.CSharpXRefRole):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class DomainDirectiveFactory:
# A mapping from node kinds to domain directives and their names.
cpp_classes = {
"variable": (CPPMemberObject, "var"),
"class": (CPPClassObject, "class"),
"struct": (CPPClassObject, "struct"),
"interface": (CPPClassObject, "class"),
"function": (CPPFunctionObject, "function"),
"friend": (CPPFunctionObject, "function"),
"signal": (CPPFunctionObject, "function"),
"slot": (CPPFunctionObject, "function"),
"concept": (CPPConceptObject, "concept"),
"enum": (CPPEnumObject, "enum"),
"enum-class": (CPPEnumObject, "enum-class"),
"typedef": (CPPTypeObject, "type"),
"using": (CPPTypeObject, "type"),
"union": (CPPUnionObject, "union"),
"namespace": (CPPTypeObject, "type"),
"enumvalue": (CPPEnumeratorObject, "enumerator"),
"define": (CMacroObject, "macro"),
c_classes = {
"variable": (CMemberObject, "var"),
"function": (CFunctionObject, "function"),
"define": (CMacroObject, "macro"),
"struct": (CStructObject, "struct"),
"union": (CUnionObject, "union"),
"enum": (CEnumObject, "enum"),
"enumvalue": (CEnumeratorObject, "enumerator"),
"typedef": (CTypeObject, "type"),
python_classes = {
# TODO: PyFunction is meant for module-level functions
# and PyAttribute is meant for class attributes, not module-level variables.
# Somehow there should be made a distinction at some point to get the correct
# index-text and whatever other things are different.
"function": (PyFunction, "function"),
"variable": (PyAttribute, "attribute"),
"class": (PyClasslike, "class"),
"namespace": (PyClasslike, "class"),
if php is not None:
php_classes = {
"function": (PHPNamespaceLevel, "function"),
"class": (PHPClassLike, "class"),
"attr": (PHPClassMember, "attr"),
"method": (PHPClassMember, "method"),
"global": (PHPGlobalLevel, "global"),
php_classes_default = php_classes["class"] # Directive when no matching ones were found
if cs is not None:
cs_classes = {
# 'doxygen-name': (CSharp class, key in CSharpDomain.object_types)
"namespace": (CSharpNamespacePlain, "namespace"),
"class": (CSharpClass, "class"),
"struct": (CSharpStruct, "struct"),
"interface": (CSharpInterface, "interface"),
"function": (CSharpMethod, "function"),
"method": (CSharpMethod, "method"),
"variable": (CSharpVariable, "var"),
"property": (CSharpProperty, "property"),
"event": (CSharpEvent, "event"),
"enum": (CSharpEnum, "enum"),
"enumvalue": (CSharpEnumValue, "enumerator"),
"attribute": (CSharpAttribute, "attr"),
# Fallback to cpp domain
"typedef": (CPPTypeObject, "type"),
def create(domain: str, args) -> ObjectDescription:
cls = cast(Type[ObjectDescription], None)
name = cast(str, None)
if domain == "c":
cls, name = DomainDirectiveFactory.c_classes[args[0]]
elif domain == "py":
cls, name = DomainDirectiveFactory.python_classes[args[0]]
elif php is not None and domain == "php":
separators = php.separators
arg_0 = args[0]
if any([separators["method"] in n for n in args[1]]):
if any([separators["attr"] in n for n in args[1]]):
arg_0 = "attr"
arg_0 = "method"
if arg_0 in ["variable"]:
arg_0 = "global"
if arg_0 in DomainDirectiveFactory.php_classes:
cls, name = DomainDirectiveFactory.php_classes[arg_0] # type: ignore
cls, name = DomainDirectiveFactory.php_classes_default # type: ignore
elif cs is not None and domain == "cs":
cls, name = DomainDirectiveFactory.cs_classes[args[0]]
domain = "cpp"
cls, name = DomainDirectiveFactory.cpp_classes[args[0]] # type: ignore
# Replace the directive name because domain directives don't know how to handle
# Breathe's "doxygen" directives.
assert ":" not in name
args = [domain + ":" + name] + args[1:]
return cls(*args)
class NodeFinder(nodes.SparseNodeVisitor):
"""Find the Docutils desc_signature declarator and desc_content nodes."""
def __init__(self, document):
self.declarator = None
self.content = None
def visit_desc_signature(self, node):
# Find the last signature node because it contains the actual declarator
# rather than "template <...>". In Sphinx 1.4.1 we'll be able to use sphinx_cpp_tagname:
self.declarator = node
def visit_desc_signature_line(self, node):
# In sphinx 1.5, there is now a desc_signature_line node within the desc_signature
# This should be used instead
self.declarator = node
def visit_desc_content(self, node):
self.content = node
# The SparseNodeVisitor seems to not actually be universally Sparse,
# but only for nodes known to Docutils.
# So if there are extensions with new node types in the content,
# then the visitation will fail.
# We anyway don't need to visit the actual content, so skip it.
raise nodes.SkipChildren
def intersperse(iterable, delimiter):
it = iter(iterable)
yield next(it)
for x in it:
yield delimiter
yield x
def get_param_decl(param):
def to_string(node):
"""Convert Doxygen node content to a string."""
result = []
if node is not None:
for p in node.content_:
value = p.value
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = value.valueOf_
return " ".join(result)
param_type = to_string(param.type_)
param_name = param.declname if param.declname else param.defname
if not param_name:
param_decl = param_type
param_decl, number_of_subs = re.subn(
r"(\((?:\w+::)*[*&]+)(\))", r"\g<1>" + param_name + r"\g<2>", param_type
if number_of_subs == 0:
param_decl = param_type + " " + param_name
if param.array:
param_decl += param.array
if param.defval:
param_decl += " = " + to_string(param.defval)
return param_decl
def get_definition_without_template_args(data_object):
Return data_object.definition removing any template arguments from the class name in the member
function. Otherwise links to classes defined in the same template are not generated correctly.
For example in 'Result<T> A< B<C> >::f' we want to remove the '< B<C> >' part.
definition = data_object.definition
if len(data_object.bitfield) > 0:
definition += " : " + data_object.bitfield
qual_name = "::" +
if definition.endswith(qual_name):
qual_name_start = len(definition) - len(qual_name)
pos = qual_name_start - 1
if definition[pos] == ">":
bracket_count = 0
# Iterate back through the characters of the definition counting matching braces and
# then remove all braces and everything between
while pos > 0:
if definition[pos] == ">":
bracket_count += 1
elif definition[pos] == "<":
bracket_count -= 1
if bracket_count == 0:
definition = definition[:pos] + definition[qual_name_start:]
pos -= 1
return definition
class InlineText(Text):
Add a custom docutils class to allow parsing inline text. This is to be
used inside a @verbatim/@endverbatim block but only the first line is
consumed and a inline element is generated as the parent, instead of the
paragraph used by Text.
patterns = {"inlinetext": r""}
initial_transitions = [("inlinetext",)]
def indent(self, match, context, next_state):
Avoid Text's indent from detecting space prefixed text and
doing "funny" stuff; always rely on inlinetext for parsing.
return self.inlinetext(match, context, next_state)
def eof(self, context):
Text.eof() inserts a paragraph, so override it to skip adding elements.
return []
def inlinetext(self, match, context, next_state):
Called by the StateMachine when an inline element is found (which is
any text when this class is added as the single transition.
startline = self.state_machine.abs_line_number() - 1
msg = None
block = self.state_machine.get_text_block()
except UnexpectedIndentationError as err:
block, src, srcline = err.args
msg = self.reporter.error("Unexpected indentation.", source=src, line=srcline)
lines = context + list(block)
text, _ = self.inline_text(lines[0], startline)
self.parent += text
self.parent += msg
return [], next_state, []
class SphinxRenderer:
Doxygen node visitor that converts input into Sphinx/RST representation.
Each visit method takes a Doxygen node as an argument and returns a list of RST nodes.
def __init__(
app: Sphinx,
project_info: ProjectInfo,
document: nodes.document,
target_handler: TargetHandler,
compound_parser: DoxygenCompoundParser,
filter_: Filter,
): = app
self.project_info = project_info
self.qualification_stack = node_stack
self.nesting_level = 0
self.state = state
self.document = document
self.target_handler = target_handler
self.compound_parser = compound_parser
self.filter_ = filter_
self.context: Optional[RenderContext] = None
self.output_defname = True
# Nesting level for lists.
self.nesting_level = 0
def set_context(self, context: RenderContext) -> None:
self.context = context
if self.context.domain == "":
self.context.domain = self.get_domain()
# XXX: fix broken links in XML generated by Doxygen when Doxygen's
# SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES is set to YES; this function should be harmless
# The issue was discussed here:
# A Doxygen anchor consists of a 32-byte string version of the results of
# passing in the stringified identifier or prototype that is being "hashed".
# An "a" character is then prefixed to mark it as an anchor. Depending on how
# the identifier is linked, it can also get a "g" prefix to mean it is part
# of a Doxygen group. This results in an id having either 33 or 34 bytes
# (containing a "g" or not). Some identifiers, eg enumerators, get twice that
# length to have both a unique enum + unique enumerator, and sometimes they
# get two "g" characters as prefix instead of one.
def _fixup_separate_member_pages(self, refid: str) -> str:
if refid:
parts = refid.rsplit("_", 1)
if len(parts) == 2 and parts[1].startswith("1"):
anchorid = parts[1][1:]
if len(anchorid) in set([33, 34]) and parts[0].endswith(anchorid):
return parts[0][: -len(anchorid)] + parts[1]
elif len(anchorid) > 34:
index = 0
if anchorid.startswith("gg"):
index = 1
_len = 35
elif anchorid.startswith("g"):
_len = 34
_len = 33
if parts[0].endswith(anchorid[index:_len]):
return parts[0][: -(_len - index)] + parts[1]
return refid
def get_refid(self, refid: str) -> str:
refid = self._fixup_separate_member_pages(refid)
return "%s%s" % (, refid)
return refid
def get_domain(self) -> str:
"""Returns the domain for the current node."""
def get_filename(node) -> Optional[str]:
"""Returns the name of a file where the declaration represented by node is located."""
return node.location.file
except AttributeError:
return None
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
node_stack = self.context.node_stack
node = node_stack[0]
# An enumvalue node doesn't have location, so use its parent node for detecting
# the domain instead.
if isinstance(node, str) or node.node_type == "enumvalue":
node = node_stack[1]
filename = get_filename(node)
if not filename and node.node_type == "compound":
file_data = self.compound_parser.parse(node.refid)
filename = get_filename(file_data.compounddef)
return self.project_info.domain_for_file(filename) if filename else ""
def join_nested_name(self, names: List[str]) -> str:
dom = self.get_domain()
sep = "::" if not dom or dom == "cpp" else "."
return sep.join(names)
def run_directive(
self, obj_type: str, declaration: str, contentCallback: ContentCallback, options={}
) -> List[Node]:
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
args = [obj_type, [declaration]] + self.context.directive_args[2:]
directive = DomainDirectiveFactory.create(self.context.domain, args)
assert issubclass(type(directive), BaseObject)
directive.breathe_content_callback = contentCallback # type: ignore
# Translate Breathe's no-link option into the standard noindex option.
if "no-link" in self.context.directive_args[2]:
directive.options["noindex"] = True
for k, v in options.items():
directive.options[k] = v
assert is not None
config =
if config.breathe_debug_trace_directives:
global _debug_indent
"{}Running directive: .. {}:: {}".format(
" " * _debug_indent,, declaration
_debug_indent += 1
self.nesting_level += 1
nodes =
self.nesting_level -= 1
# TODO: the directive_args seems to be reused between different run_directives
# so for now, reset the options.
# Remove this once the args are given in a different manner.
for k, v in options.items():
del directive.options[k]
if config.breathe_debug_trace_directives:
_debug_indent -= 1
# Filter out outer class names if we are rendering a member as a part of a class content.
# In some cases of errors with a declaration there are no nodes
# (e.g., variable in function), so perhaps skip (see #671).
# If there are nodes, there should be at least 2.
if len(nodes) != 0:
assert len(nodes) >= 2, nodes
rst_node = nodes[1]
finder = NodeFinder(rst_node.document)
signode = finder.declarator
if self.context.child:
signode.children = [n for n in signode.children if not n.tagname == "desc_addname"]
return nodes
def handle_declaration(
declaration: str,
obj_type: Optional[str] = None,
content_callback: Optional[ContentCallback] = None,
display_obj_type: Optional[str] = None,
declarator_callback: Optional[DeclaratorCallback] = None,
) -> List[Node]:
if obj_type is None:
obj_type = node.kind
if content_callback is None:
def content(contentnode):
content_callback = content
declaration = declaration.replace("\n", " ")
nodes_ = self.run_directive(obj_type, declaration, content_callback, options)
assert is not None
target = self.create_doxygen_target(node)
if len(target) == 0:
print("{}Doxygen target: (none)".format(" " * _debug_indent))
print("{}Doxygen target: {}".format(" " * _debug_indent, target[0]["ids"]))
# <desc><desc_signature> and then one or more <desc_signature_line>
# each <desc_signature_line> has a sphinx_line_type which hints what is present in that line
# In some cases of errors with a declaration there are no nodes
# (e.g., variable in function), so perhaps skip (see #671).
if len(nodes_) == 0:
return []
assert len(nodes_) >= 2, nodes_
desc = nodes_[1]
assert isinstance(desc, addnodes.desc)
assert len(desc) >= 1
sig = desc[0]
assert isinstance(sig, addnodes.desc_signature)
# if may or may not be a multiline signature
isMultiline = sig.get("is_multiline", False)
declarator: Optional[Declarator] = None
if isMultiline:
for line in sig:
assert isinstance(line, addnodes.desc_signature_line)
if line.sphinx_line_type == "declarator":
declarator = line
declarator = sig
assert declarator is not None
if display_obj_type is not None:
n = declarator[0]
newStyle = True
# the new style was introduced in Sphinx v4
if sphinx.version_info[0] < 4:
newStyle = False
# but only for the C and C++ domains
if self.get_domain() and self.get_domain() not in ("c", "cpp"):
newStyle = False
if newStyle:
assert isinstance(n, addnodes.desc_sig_keyword)
declarator[0] = addnodes.desc_sig_keyword(display_obj_type, display_obj_type)
assert isinstance(n, addnodes.desc_annotation)
assert n.astext()[-1] == " "
txt = display_obj_type + " "
declarator[0] = addnodes.desc_annotation(txt, txt)
if not
target = self.create_doxygen_target(node)
declarator.insert(0, target)
if declarator_callback:
return nodes_
def get_qualification(self) -> List[str]:
if self.nesting_level > 0:
return []
assert is not None
config =
if config.breathe_debug_trace_qualification:
def debug_print_node(n):
return "node_type={}".format(n.node_type)
global _debug_indent
"{}{}".format(_debug_indent * " ", debug_print_node(self.qualification_stack[0]))
_debug_indent += 1
names: List[str] = []
for node in self.qualification_stack[1:]:
if config.breathe_debug_trace_qualification:
print("{}{}".format(_debug_indent * " ", debug_print_node(node)))
if node.node_type == "ref" and len(names) == 0:
if config.breathe_debug_trace_qualification:
print("{}{}".format(_debug_indent * " ", "res="))
return []
if (
node.node_type == "compound" and node.kind not in ["file", "namespace", "group"]
) or node.node_type == "memberdef":
# We skip the 'file' entries because the file name doesn't form part of the
# qualified name for the identifier. We skip the 'namespace' entries because if we
# find an object through the namespace 'compound' entry in the index.xml then we'll
# also have the 'compounddef' entry in our node stack and we'll get it from that. We
# need the 'compounddef' entry because if we find the object through the 'file'
# entry in the index.xml file then we need to get the namespace name from somewhere
if node.node_type == "compounddef" and node.kind == "namespace":
# Nested namespaces include their parent namespace(s) in compoundname. ie,
# compoundname is 'foo::bar' instead of just 'bar' for namespace 'bar' nested in
# namespace 'foo'. We need full compoundname because node_stack doesn't necessarily
# include parent namespaces and we stop here in case it does.
if config.breathe_debug_trace_qualification:
print("{}res={}".format(_debug_indent * " ", names))
_debug_indent -= 1
return names
# ===================================================================================
def get_fully_qualified_name(self):
names = []
node_stack = self.context.node_stack
node = node_stack[0]
# If the node is a namespace, use its name because namespaces are skipped in the main loop.
if node.node_type == "compound" and node.kind == "namespace":
for node in node_stack:
if node.node_type == "ref" and len(names) == 0:
return node.valueOf_
if (
node.node_type == "compound" and node.kind not in ["file", "namespace", "group"]
) or node.node_type == "memberdef":
# We skip the 'file' entries because the file name doesn't form part of the
# qualified name for the identifier. We skip the 'namespace' entries because if we
# find an object through the namespace 'compound' entry in the index.xml then we'll
# also have the 'compounddef' entry in our node stack and we'll get it from that. We
# need the 'compounddef' entry because if we find the object through the 'file'
# entry in the index.xml file then we need to get the namespace name from somewhere
if node.node_type == "compounddef" and node.kind == "namespace":
# Nested namespaces include their parent namespace(s) in compoundname. ie,
# compoundname is 'foo::bar' instead of just 'bar' for namespace 'bar' nested in
# namespace 'foo'. We need full compoundname because node_stack doesn't necessarily
# include parent namespaces and we stop here in case it does.
names.insert(0, node.compoundname)
return "::".join(names)
def create_template_prefix(self, decl) -> str:
if not decl.templateparamlist:
return ""
nodes = self.render(decl.templateparamlist)
return "template<" + "".join(n.astext() for n in nodes) + ">"
def run_domain_directive(self, kind, names):
domain_directive = DomainDirectiveFactory.create(
self.context.domain, [kind, names] + self.context.directive_args[2:]
# Translate Breathe's no-link option into the standard noindex option.
if "no-link" in self.context.directive_args[2]:
domain_directive.options["noindex"] = True
config =
if config.breathe_debug_trace_directives:
global _debug_indent
"{}Running directive (old): .. {}:: {}".format(
" " * _debug_indent,, "".join(names)
_debug_indent += 1
nodes =
if config.breathe_debug_trace_directives:
_debug_indent -= 1
# Filter out outer class names if we are rendering a member as a part of a class content.
rst_node = nodes[1]
finder = NodeFinder(rst_node.document)
signode = finder.declarator
if len(names) > 0 and self.context.child:
signode.children = [n for n in signode.children if not n.tagname == "desc_addname"]
return nodes
def create_doxygen_target(self, node):
"""Can be overridden to create a target node which uses the doxygen refid information
which can be used for creating links between internal doxygen elements.
The default implementation should suffice most of the time.
refid = self.get_refid(
return self.target_handler.create_target(refid)
def title(self, node) -> List[Node]:
nodes_ = []
# Variable type or function return type
if nodes_:
nodes_.append(nodes.Text(" "))
return nodes_
def description(self, node) -> List[Node]:
brief = self.render_optional(node.briefdescription)
detailed = self.detaileddescription(node)
return brief + detailed
def detaileddescription(self, node) -> List[Node]:
detailedCand = self.render_optional(node.detaileddescription)
# all field_lists must be at the top-level of the desc_content, so pull them up
fieldLists: List[nodes.field_list] = []
admonitions: List[Node] = []
def pullup(node, typ, dest):
for n in node.traverse(typ):
del n.parent[n.parent.index(n)]
detailed = []
for candNode in detailedCand:
pullup(candNode, nodes.field_list, fieldLists)
pullup(candNode, nodes.note, admonitions)
pullup(candNode, nodes.warning, admonitions)
# and collapse paragraphs
for para in candNode.traverse(nodes.paragraph):
if (
and len(para.parent) == 1
and isinstance(para.parent, nodes.paragraph)
# and remove empty top-level paragraphs
if isinstance(candNode, nodes.paragraph) and len(candNode) == 0:
# make one big field list instead to the Sphinx transformer can make it pretty
if len(fieldLists) > 1:
fieldList = nodes.field_list()
for fl in fieldLists:
fieldLists = [fieldList]
# collapse retvals into a single return field
if len(fieldLists) != 0 and sphinx.version_info[0:2] < (4, 3):
others: List[nodes.field] = []
retvals: List[nodes.field] = []
f: nodes.field
fn: nodes.field_name
fb: nodes.field_body
for f in fieldLists[0]:
fn, fb = f
assert len(fn) == 1
if fn.astext().startswith("returns "):
if len(retvals) != 0:
items: List[nodes.paragraph] = []
for fn, fb in retvals:
# we created the retvals before, so we made this prefix
assert fn.astext().startswith("returns ")
val = nodes.strong("", fn.astext()[8:])
# assumption from visit_docparamlist: fb is a single paragraph or nothing
assert len(fb) <= 1, fb
bodyNodes = [val, nodes.Text(" -- ")]
if len(fb) == 1:
assert isinstance(fb[0], nodes.paragraph)
items.append(nodes.paragraph("", "", *bodyNodes))
# only make a bullet list if there are multiple retvals
body: Node
if len(items) == 1:
body = items[0]
body = nodes.bullet_list()
for i in items:
body.append(nodes.list_item("", i))
fRetvals = nodes.field(
"", nodes.field_name("", "returns"), nodes.field_body("", body)
fl = nodes.field_list("", *others, fRetvals)
fieldLists = [fl]
return detailed + fieldLists + admonitions
return detailed + admonitions + fieldLists
def update_signature(self, signature, obj_type):
"""Update the signature node if necessary, e.g. add qualifiers."""
prefix = obj_type + " "
annotation = addnodes.desc_annotation(prefix, prefix)
if signature[0].tagname != "desc_name":
signature[0] = annotation
signature.insert(0, annotation)
def render_declaration(self, node, declaration=None, description=None, **kwargs):
if declaration is None:
declaration = self.get_fully_qualified_name()
obj_type = kwargs.get("objtype", None)
if obj_type is None:
obj_type = node.kind
nodes = self.run_domain_directive(obj_type, [declaration.replace("\n", " ")])
target = self.create_doxygen_target(node)
if len(target) == 0:
print("{}Doxygen target (old): (none)".format(" " * _debug_indent))
print("{}Doxygen target (old): {}".format(" " * _debug_indent, target[0]["ids"]))
rst_node = nodes[1]
finder = NodeFinder(rst_node.document)
signode = finder.declarator
contentnode = finder.content
update_signature = kwargs.get("update_signature", None)
if update_signature is not None:
update_signature(signode, obj_type)
if description is None:
description = self.description(node)
if not
target = self.create_doxygen_target(node)
signode.insert(0, target)
return nodes
def visit_doxygen(self, node) -> List[Node]:
nodelist: List[Node] = []
# Process all the compound children
for n in node.get_compound():
return nodelist
def visit_doxygendef(self, node) -> List[Node]:
return self.render(node.compounddef)
def visit_union(self, node) -> List[Node]:
# Read in the corresponding xml file and process
file_data = self.compound_parser.parse(node.refid)
nodeDef = file_data.compounddef
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
parent_context = self.context.create_child_context(file_data)
new_context = parent_context.create_child_context(nodeDef)
with WithContext(self, new_context):
names = self.get_qualification()
if self.nesting_level == 0:
declaration = self.join_nested_name(names)
def content(contentnode):
if nodeDef.includes:
for include in nodeDef.includes:
self.render(include, new_context.create_child_context(include))
rendered_data = self.render(file_data, parent_context)
nodes = self.handle_declaration(nodeDef, declaration, content_callback=content)
return nodes
def visit_class(self, node) -> List[Node]:
# Read in the corresponding xml file and process
file_data = self.compound_parser.parse(node.refid)
nodeDef = file_data.compounddef
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
parent_context = self.context.create_child_context(file_data)
new_context = parent_context.create_child_context(nodeDef)
domain = self.get_domain()
with WithContext(self, new_context):
# Pretend that the signature is being rendered in context of the
# definition, for proper domain detection
kind = nodeDef.kind
# Defer to domains specific directive.
names = self.get_qualification()
# TODO: this breaks if it's a template specialization
# and one of the arguments contain '::'
if self.nesting_level == 0:
decls = [
# add base classes
if len(nodeDef.basecompoundref) != 0:
first = True
for base in nodeDef.basecompoundref:
if not first:
first = False
if base.prot is not None and domain != "cs":
if base.virt == "virtual":
declaration = " ".join(decls)
def content(contentnode) -> None:
if nodeDef.includes:
for include in nodeDef.includes:
self.render(include, new_context.create_child_context(include))
rendered_data = self.render(file_data, parent_context)
assert kind in ("class", "struct", "interface")
display_obj_type = "interface" if kind == "interface" else None
nodes = self.handle_declaration(
nodeDef, declaration, content_callback=content, display_obj_type=display_obj_type
if "members-only" in self.context.directive_args[2]:
assert len(nodes) >= 2
assert isinstance(nodes[1], addnodes.desc)
assert len(nodes[1]) >= 2
assert isinstance(nodes[1][1], addnodes.desc_content)
return nodes[1][1].children
return nodes
def visit_namespace(self, node) -> List[Node]:
# Read in the corresponding xml file and process
file_data = self.compound_parser.parse(node.refid)
nodeDef = file_data.compounddef
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
parent_context = self.context.create_child_context(file_data)
new_context = parent_context.create_child_context(file_data.compounddef)
with WithContext(self, new_context):
# Pretend that the signature is being rendered in context of the
# definition, for proper domain detection
names = self.get_qualification()
if self.nesting_level == 0:
declaration = self.join_nested_name(names)
def content(contentnode):
if nodeDef.includes:
for include in nodeDef.includes:
self.render(include, new_context.create_child_context(include))
rendered_data = self.render(file_data, parent_context)
display_obj_type = "namespace" if self.get_domain() != "py" else "module"
nodes = self.handle_declaration(
nodeDef, declaration, content_callback=content, display_obj_type=display_obj_type
return nodes
def visit_compound(self, node, render_empty_node=True, **kwargs) -> List[Node]:
# Read in the corresponding xml file and process
file_data = self.compound_parser.parse(node.refid)
def get_node_info(file_data):
return, node.kind
name, kind = kwargs.get("get_node_info", get_node_info)(file_data)
if kind == "union":
dom = self.get_domain()
assert not dom or dom in ("c", "cpp")
return self.visit_union(node)
elif kind in ("struct", "class", "interface"):
dom = self.get_domain()
if not dom or dom in ("c", "cpp", "py", "cs"):
return self.visit_class(node)
elif kind == "namespace":
dom = self.get_domain()
if not dom or dom in ("c", "cpp", "py", "cs"):
return self.visit_namespace(node)
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
parent_context = self.context.create_child_context(file_data)
new_context = parent_context.create_child_context(file_data.compounddef)
rendered_data = self.render(file_data, parent_context)
if not rendered_data and not render_empty_node:
return []
def render_signature(file_data, doxygen_target, name, kind):
# Defer to domains specific directive.
templatePrefix = self.create_template_prefix(file_data.compounddef)
arg = "%s %s" % (templatePrefix, self.get_fully_qualified_name())
# add base classes
if kind in ("class", "struct"):
bs = []
for base in file_data.compounddef.basecompoundref:
b = []
if base.prot is not None:
if base.virt == "virtual":
bs.append(" ".join(b))
if len(bs) != 0:
arg += " : "
arg += ", ".join(bs)
self.context.directive_args[1] = [arg]
nodes = self.run_domain_directive(kind, self.context.directive_args[1])
rst_node = nodes[1]
finder = NodeFinder(rst_node.document)
if kind in ("interface", "namespace"):
# This is not a real C++ declaration type that Sphinx supports,
# so we hax the replacement of it.
finder.declarator[0] = addnodes.desc_annotation(kind + " ", kind + " ")
rst_node.children[0].insert(0, doxygen_target)
return nodes, finder.content
refid = self.get_refid(node.refid)
render_sig = kwargs.get("render_signature", render_signature)
with WithContext(self, new_context):
# Pretend that the signature is being rendered in context of the
# definition, for proper domain detection
nodes, contentnode = render_sig(
file_data, self.target_handler.create_target(refid), name, kind
if file_data.compounddef.includes:
for include in file_data.compounddef.includes:
contentnode.extend(self.render(include, new_context.create_child_context(include)))
return nodes
def visit_file(self, node) -> List[Node]:
def render_signature(file_data, doxygen_target, name, kind):
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
options = self.context.directive_args[2]
if "content-only" in options:
rst_node = nodes.container()
rst_node = addnodes.desc()
# Build targets for linking
targets = []
title_signode = addnodes.desc_signature()
# Set up the title
title_signode.append(nodes.Text(" "))
rst_node.document = self.state.document
rst_node["objtype"] = kind
rst_node["domain"] = self.get_domain() if self.get_domain() else "cpp"
contentnode = addnodes.desc_content()
return [rst_node], contentnode
return self.visit_compound(node, render_signature=render_signature)
# We store both the identified and appropriate title text here as we want to define the order
# here and the titles for the SectionDefTypeSubRenderer but we don't want the repetition of
# having two lists in case they fall out of sync
# If this list is edited, also change the sections option documentation for
# the doxygen(auto)file directive in documentation/source/file.rst.
sections = [
("user-defined", "User Defined"),
("public-type", "Public Types"),
("public-func", "Public Functions"),
("public-attrib", "Public Members"),
("public-slot", "Public Slots"),
("signal", "Signals"),
("dcop-func", "DCOP Function"),
("property", "Properties"),
("event", "Events"),
("public-static-func", "Public Static Functions"),
("public-static-attrib", "Public Static Attributes"),
("protected-type", "Protected Types"),
("protected-func", "Protected Functions"),
("protected-attrib", "Protected Attributes"),
("protected-slot", "Protected Slots"),
("protected-static-func", "Protected Static Functions"),
("protected-static-attrib", "Protected Static Attributes"),
("package-type", "Package Types"),
("package-func", "Package Functions"),
("package-attrib", "Package Attributes"),
("package-static-func", "Package Static Functions"),
("package-static-attrib", "Package Static Attributes"),
("private-type", "Private Types"),
("private-func", "Private Functions"),
("private-attrib", "Private Members"),
("private-slot", "Private Slots"),
("private-static-func", "Private Static Functions"),
("private-static-attrib", "Private Static Attributes"),
("friend", "Friends"),
("related", "Related"),
("define", "Defines"),
("prototype", "Prototypes"),
("typedef", "Typedefs"),
("concept", "Concepts"),
("enum", "Enums"),
("func", "Functions"),
("var", "Variables"),
def visit_compounddef(self, node) -> List[Node]:
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
options = self.context.directive_args[2]
section_order = None
if "sections" in options:
section_order = {sec: i for i, sec in enumerate(options["sections"].split(" "))}
membergroup_order = None
if "membergroups" in options:
membergroup_order = {sec: i for i, sec in enumerate(options["membergroups"].split(" "))}
nodemap: Dict[int, List[Node]] = {}
def addnode(kind, lam):
if section_order is None:
nodemap[len(nodemap)] = lam()
elif kind in section_order:
nodemap.setdefault(section_order[kind], []).extend(lam())
if "members-only" not in options:
if "allow-dot-graphs" in options:
addnode("incdepgraph", lambda: self.render_optional(node.get_incdepgraph()))
addnode("invincdepgraph", lambda: self.render_optional(node.get_invincdepgraph()))
"inheritancegraph", lambda: self.render_optional(node.get_inheritancegraph())
lambda: self.render_optional(node.get_collaborationgraph()),
addnode("briefdescription", lambda: self.render_optional(node.briefdescription))
addnode("detaileddescription", lambda: self.detaileddescription(node))
def render_derivedcompoundref(node):
if node is None:
return []
output = self.render_iterable(node)
if not output:
return []
return [
"", "", nodes.Text("Subclassed by "), *intersperse(output, nodes.Text(", "))
"derivedcompoundref", lambda: render_derivedcompoundref(node.derivedcompoundref)
section_nodelists: Dict[str, List[Node]] = {}
# Get all sub sections
for sectiondef in node.sectiondef:
kind = sectiondef.kind
if section_order is not None and kind not in section_order:
header = sectiondef.header
if membergroup_order is not None and header not in membergroup_order:
child_nodes = self.render(sectiondef)
if not child_nodes:
# Skip empty section
rst_node = nodes.container(classes=["breathe-sectiondef"])
rst_node.document = self.state.document
rst_node["objtype"] = kind
# We store the nodes as a list against the kind in a dictionary as the kind can be
# 'user-edited' and that can repeat so this allows us to collect all the 'user-edited'
# entries together
section_nodelists.setdefault(kind, []).append(rst_node)
# Order the results in an appropriate manner
for kind, _ in self.sections:
addnode(kind, lambda: section_nodelists.get(kind, []))
# Take care of innerclasses
addnode("innerclass", lambda: self.render_iterable(node.innerclass))
addnode("innernamespace", lambda: self.render_iterable(node.innernamespace))
if "inner" in options:
for node in node.innergroup:
file_data = self.compound_parser.parse(node.refid)
inner = file_data.compounddef
addnode("innergroup", lambda: self.visit_compounddef(inner))
nodelist = []
for _, nodes_ in sorted(nodemap.items()):
nodelist += nodes_
return nodelist
section_titles = dict(sections)
def visit_sectiondef(self, node) -> List[Node]:
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
options = self.context.directive_args[2]
node_list = []
# Get all the memberdef info
if "sort" in options:
member_def = sorted(node.memberdef, key=lambda x:
member_def = node.memberdef
if node_list:
if "members-only" in options:
return node_list
text = self.section_titles[node.kind]
# Override default name for user-defined sections. Use "Unnamed
# Group" if the user didn't name the section
# This is different to Doxygen which will track the groups and name
# them Group1, Group2, Group3, etc.
if node.kind == "user-defined":
if node.header:
text = node.header
text = "Unnamed Group"
# Use rubric for the title because, unlike the docutils element "section",
# it doesn't interfere with the document structure.
idtext = text.replace(" ", "-").lower()
rubric = nodes.rubric(
ids=["breathe-section-title-" + idtext],
res: List[Node] = [rubric]
return res + node_list
return []
def visit_docreftext(self, node) -> List[Node]:
nodelist = self.render_iterable(node.content_)
if hasattr(node, "para"):
refid = self.get_refid(node.refid)
nodelist = [
return nodelist
def visit_docheading(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Heading renderer.
Renders embedded headlines as emphasized text. Different heading levels
are not supported.
nodelist = self.render_iterable(node.content_)
return [nodes.emphasis("", "", *nodelist)]
def visit_docpara(self, node) -> List[Node]:
<para> tags in the Doxygen output tend to contain either text or a single other tag of
interest. So whilst it looks like we're combined descriptions and program listings and
other things, in the end we generally only deal with one per para tag. Multiple
neighbouring instances of these things tend to each be in a separate neighbouring para tag.
nodelist = []
if self.context and self.context.directive_args[0] == "doxygenpage":
contentNodeCands = self.render_iterable(node.content)
# if there are consecutive nodes.Text we should collapse them
# and rerender them to ensure the right paragraphifaction
contentNodes: List[Node] = []
for n in contentNodeCands:
if len(contentNodes) != 0 and isinstance(contentNodes[-1], nodes.Text):
if isinstance(n, nodes.Text):
prev = contentNodes.pop()
contentNodes.extend(self.render_string(prev.astext() + n.astext()))
continue # we have handled this node
paramList = self.render_iterable(node.parameterlist)
defs = []
fields = []
for n in self.render_iterable(node.simplesects):
if isinstance(n, nodes.definition_list_item):
elif isinstance(n, nodes.field_list):
# note: all these gets pulled up and reordered in description()
if len(defs) != 0:
deflist = nodes.definition_list("", *defs)
# And now all kinds of cleanup steps
# ----------------------------------
# trim trailing whitespace
while len(nodelist) != 0:
last = nodelist[-1]
if not isinstance(last, nodes.Text):
if last.astext().strip() != "":
# verbatim nodes should not be in a paragraph:
if len(nodelist) == 1 and isinstance(nodelist[0], nodes.literal_block):
return nodelist
return [nodes.paragraph("", "", *nodelist)]
def visit_docparblock(self, node) -> List[Node]:
return self.render_iterable(node.para)
def visit_docblockquote(self, node) -> List[Node]:
nodelist = self.render_iterable(node.para)
# catch block quote attributions here; the <ndash/> tag is the only identifier,
# and it is nested within a subsequent <para> tag
if nodelist and nodelist[-1].astext().startswith("&#8212;"):
# nodes.attribution prepends the author with an emphasized dash.
# replace the &#8212; placeholder and strip any leading whitespace.
text = nodelist[-1].astext().replace("&#8212;", "").lstrip()
nodelist[-1] = nodes.attribution("", text)
return [nodes.block_quote("", classes=[], *nodelist)]
def visit_docimage(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Output docutils image node using name attribute from xml as the uri"""
path_to_image =
if not url_re.match(path_to_image):
path_to_image = self.project_info.sphinx_abs_path_to_file(path_to_image)
options = {"uri": path_to_image}
return [nodes.image("", **options)]
def visit_docurllink(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Url Link Renderer"""
nodelist = self.render_iterable(node.content_)
return [nodes.reference("", "", refuri=node.url, *nodelist)]
def visit_docmarkup(self, node) -> List[Node]:
nodelist = self.render_iterable(node.content_)
creator: Type[TextElement] = nodes.inline
if node.type_ == "emphasis":
creator = nodes.emphasis
elif node.type_ == "computeroutput":
creator = nodes.literal
elif node.type_ == "bold":
creator = nodes.strong
elif node.type_ == "superscript":
creator = nodes.superscript
elif node.type_ == "subscript":
creator = nodes.subscript
elif node.type_ == "center":
print("Warning: does not currently handle 'center' text display")
elif node.type_ == "small":
print("Warning: does not currently handle 'small' text display")
return [creator("", "", *nodelist)]
def visit_docsectN(self, node) -> List[Node]:
Docutils titles are defined by their level inside the document so
the proper structure is only guaranteed by the Doxygen XML.
Doxygen command mapping to XML element name:
@section == sect1, @subsection == sect2, @subsubsection == sect3
section = nodes.section()
section += nodes.title(node.title, node.title)
section += self.create_doxygen_target(node)
section += self.render_iterable(node.content_)
return [section]
def visit_docsimplesect(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Other Type documentation such as Warning, Note, Returns, etc"""
# for those that should go into a field list, just render them as that,
# and it will be pulled up later
nodelist = self.render_iterable(node.para)
if node.kind in ("pre", "post", "return"):
return [
nodes.field_name("", nodes.Text(node.kind)),
nodes.field_body("", *nodelist),
elif node.kind == "warning":
return [nodes.warning("", *nodelist)]
elif node.kind == "note":
return [nodes.note("", *nodelist)]
elif node.kind == "see":
return [addnodes.seealso("", *nodelist)]
elif node.kind == "remark":
nodelist.insert(0, nodes.title("", nodes.Text(node.kind.capitalize())))
return [nodes.admonition("", classes=[node.kind], *nodelist)]
if node.kind == "par":
text = self.render(node.title)
text = [nodes.Text(node.kind.capitalize())]
# TODO: is this working as intended? there is something strange with the types
title = nodes.strong("", "", *text)
term = nodes.term("", "", title)
definition = nodes.definition("", *nodelist)
return [nodes.definition_list_item("", term, definition)]
def visit_doctitle(self, node) -> List[Node]:
return self.render_iterable(node.content_)
def visit_docformula(self, node) -> List[Node]:
nodelist: List[Node] = []
for item in node.content_:
latex = item.getValue()
docname = self.state.document.settings.env.docname
# Strip out the doxygen markup that slips through
# Either inline
if latex.startswith("$") and latex.endswith("$"):
latex = latex[1:-1]
nodes.math(text=latex, label=None, nowrap=False, docname=docname, number=None)
# Else we're multiline
if latex.startswith("\\[") and latex.endswith("\\]"):
latex = latex[2:-2:]
text=latex, label=None, nowrap=False, docname=docname, number=None
return nodelist
def visit_listing(self, node) -> List[Node]:
nodelist: List[Node] = []
for i, item in enumerate(node.codeline):
# Put new lines between the lines
if i:
# Add blank string at the start otherwise for some reason it renders
# the pending_xref tags around the kind in plain text
block = nodes.literal_block("", "", *nodelist)
if node.domain:
block["language"] = node.domain
return [block]
def visit_codeline(self, node) -> List[Node]:
return self.render_iterable(node.highlight)
def visit_highlight(self, node) -> List[Node]:
return self.render_iterable(node.content_)
def _nested_inline_parse_with_titles(self, content, node) -> str:
This code is basically a customized nested_parse_with_titles from
docutils, using the InlineText class on the statemachine.
surrounding_title_styles = self.state.memo.title_styles
surrounding_section_level = self.state.memo.section_level
self.state.memo.title_styles = []
self.state.memo.section_level = 0
return self.state.nested_parse(
"state_classes": (InlineText,),
"initial_state": "InlineText",
self.state.memo.title_styles = surrounding_title_styles
self.state.memo.section_level = surrounding_section_level
def visit_verbatim(self, node) -> List[Node]:
if not node.text.strip().startswith("embed:rst"):
# Remove trailing new lines. Purely subjective call from viewing results
text = node.text.rstrip()
# Handle has a preformatted text
return [nodes.literal_block(text, text)]
is_inline = False
# do we need to strip leading asterisks?
# NOTE: We could choose to guess this based on every line starting with '*'.
# However This would have a side-effect for any users who have an rst-block
# consisting of a simple bullet list.
# For now we just look for an extended embed tag
if node.text.strip().startswith("embed:rst:leading-asterisk"):
lines = node.text.splitlines()
# Replace the first * on each line with a blank space
lines = map(lambda text: text.replace("*", " ", 1), lines)
node.text = "\n".join(lines)
# do we need to strip leading ///?
elif node.text.strip().startswith("embed:rst:leading-slashes"):
lines = node.text.splitlines()
# Replace the /// on each line with three blank spaces
lines = map(lambda text: text.replace("///", " ", 1), lines)
node.text = "\n".join(lines)
elif node.text.strip().startswith("embed:rst:inline"):
# Inline all text inside the verbatim
node.text = "".join(node.text.splitlines())
is_inline = True
if is_inline:
text = node.text.replace("embed:rst:inline", "", 1)
# Remove the first line which is "embed:rst[:leading-asterisk]"
text = "\n".join(node.text.split("\n")[1:])
# Remove starting whitespace
text = textwrap.dedent(text)
# Inspired by in Sphinx
rst = StringList()
for line in text.split("\n"):
rst.append(line, "<breathe>")
# Parent node for the generated node subtree
rst_node: Node
if is_inline:
rst_node = nodes.inline()
rst_node = nodes.paragraph()
rst_node.document = self.state.document
# Generate node subtree
if is_inline:
self._nested_inline_parse_with_titles(rst, rst_node)
nested_parse_with_titles(self.state, rst, rst_node)
return [rst_node]
def visit_inc(self, node: compoundsuper.incType) -> List[Node]:
if not
return []
compound_link: List[Node] = [nodes.Text(node.content_[0].getValue())]
if node.get_refid():
compound_link = self.visit_docreftext(node)
if node.local == "yes":
text = [nodes.Text('#include "'), *compound_link, nodes.Text('"')]
text = [nodes.Text("#include <"), *compound_link, nodes.Text(">")]
return [nodes.container("", nodes.emphasis("", "", *text))]
def visit_ref(self, node: compoundsuper.refType) -> List[Node]:
def get_node_info(file_data):
name = node.content_[0].getValue()
name = name.rsplit("::", 1)[-1]
return name, file_data.compounddef.kind
return self.visit_compound(node, False, get_node_info=get_node_info)
def visit_doclistitem(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""List item renderer. Render all the children depth-first.
Upon return expand the children node list into a docutils list-item.
nodelist = self.render_iterable(node.para)
return [nodes.list_item("", *nodelist)]
numeral_kind = ["arabic", "loweralpha", "lowerroman", "upperalpha", "upperroman"]
def render_unordered(self, children) -> List[Node]:
nodelist_list = nodes.bullet_list("", *children)
return [nodelist_list]
def render_enumerated(self, children, nesting_level) -> List[Node]:
nodelist_list = nodes.enumerated_list("", *children)
idx = nesting_level % len(SphinxRenderer.numeral_kind)
nodelist_list["enumtype"] = SphinxRenderer.numeral_kind[idx]
nodelist_list["prefix"] = ""
nodelist_list["suffix"] = "."
return [nodelist_list]
def visit_doclist(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""List renderer
The specifics of the actual list rendering are handled by the
decorator around the generic render function.
Render all the children depth-first."""
""" Call the wrapped render function. Update the nesting level for the enumerated lists. """
if node.node_subtype == "itemized":
val = self.render_iterable(node.listitem)
return self.render_unordered(children=val)
elif node.node_subtype == "ordered":
self.nesting_level += 1
val = self.render_iterable(node.listitem)
self.nesting_level -= 1
return self.render_enumerated(children=val, nesting_level=self.nesting_level)
return []
def visit_compoundref(self, node) -> List[Node]:
nodelist = self.render_iterable(node.content_)
refid = self.get_refid(node.refid)
if refid is not None:
nodelist = [
return nodelist
def visit_docxrefsect(self, node) -> List[Node]:
assert is not None
signode = addnodes.desc_signature()
title = node.xreftitle[0] + ":"
titlenode = nodes.emphasis(text=title)
ref = addnodes.pending_xref(
signode += ref
nodelist = self.render(node.xrefdescription)
contentnode = addnodes.desc_content()
contentnode += nodelist
descnode = addnodes.desc()
descnode["objtype"] = "xrefsect"
descnode["domain"] = self.get_domain() if self.get_domain() else "cpp"
descnode += signode
descnode += contentnode
return [descnode]
def visit_docvariablelist(self, node) -> List[Node]:
output: List[Node] = []
for varlistentry, listitem in zip(node.varlistentries, node.listitems):
descnode = addnodes.desc()
descnode["objtype"] = "varentry"
descnode["domain"] = self.get_domain() if self.get_domain() else "cpp"
signode = addnodes.desc_signature()
signode += self.render_optional(varlistentry)
descnode += signode
contentnode = addnodes.desc_content()
contentnode += self.render_iterable(listitem.para)
descnode += contentnode
return output
def visit_docvarlistentry(self, node) -> List[Node]:
content = node.term.content_
return self.render_iterable(content)
def visit_docanchor(self, node) -> List[Node]:
return list(self.create_doxygen_target(node))
def visit_docentry(self, node) -> List[Node]:
col = nodes.entry()
col += self.render_iterable(node.para)
if node.thead == "yes":
col["heading"] = True
if node.rowspan:
col["morerows"] = int(node.rowspan) - 1
if node.colspan:
col["morecols"] = int(node.colspan) - 1
return [col]
def visit_docrow(self, node) -> List[Node]:
row = nodes.row()
cols = self.render_iterable(node.entry)
elem: Union[nodes.thead, nodes.tbody]
if all(col.get("heading", False) for col in cols):
elem = nodes.thead()
elem = nodes.tbody()
row += cols
return [elem]
def visit_doctable(self, node) -> List[Node]:
table = nodes.table()
table["classes"] += ["colwidths-auto"]
tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=node.cols)
for _ in range(node.cols):
colspec = nodes.colspec()
colspec.attributes["colwidth"] = "auto"
tgroup += colspec
table += tgroup
rows = self.render_iterable(node.row)
# this code depends on visit_docrow(), and expects the same elements used to
# "envelop" rows there, namely thead and tbody (eg it will need to be updated
# if Doxygen one day adds support for tfoot)
tags: Dict[str, List] = {row.starttag(): [] for row in rows}
for row in rows:
def merge_row_types(root, elem, elems):
for node in elems:
elem += node
root += elem
for klass in [nodes.thead, nodes.tbody]:
obj = klass()
if obj.starttag() in tags:
merge_row_types(tgroup, obj, tags[obj.starttag()])
return [table]
def visit_mixedcontainer(self, node: compoundsuper.MixedContainer) -> List[Node]:
return self.render_optional(node.getValue())
def visit_description(self, node) -> List[Node]:
return self.render_iterable(node.content_)
def visit_linkedtext(self, node) -> List[Node]:
return self.render_iterable(node.content_)
def visit_function(self, node) -> List[Node]:
dom = self.get_domain()
if not dom or dom in ("c", "cpp", "py", "cs"):
names = self.get_qualification()
name = self.join_nested_name(names)
if dom == "py":
declaration = name + node.get_argsstring()
elif dom == "cs":
declaration = " ".join(
"".join(n.astext() for n in self.render(node.get_type())),
elements = [self.create_template_prefix(node)]
if node.static == "yes":
if node.inline == "yes":
if node.kind == "friend":
if node.virt in ("virtual", "pure-virtual"):
if node.explicit == "yes":
# TODO: handle constexpr when parser has been updated
# but Doxygen seems to leave it in the type anyway
typ = "".join(n.astext() for n in self.render(node.get_type()))
# Doxygen sometimes leaves 'static' in the type,
# e.g., for "constexpr static auto f()"
typ = typ.replace("static ", "")
# In Doxygen up to somewhere between 1.8.17 to exclusive 1.9.1
# the 'friend' part is also left in the type.
# See also #767.
if typ.startswith("friend "):
typ = typ[7:]
declaration = " ".join(elements)
nodes = self.handle_declaration(node, declaration)
return nodes
# Get full function signature for the domain directive.
param_list = []
for param in node.param:
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
param = self.context.mask_factory.mask(param)
param_decl = get_param_decl(param)
templatePrefix = self.create_template_prefix(node)
signature = "{0}{1}({2})".format(
templatePrefix, get_definition_without_template_args(node), ", ".join(param_list)
# Add CV-qualifiers.
if node.const == "yes":
signature += " const"
# The doxygen xml output doesn't register 'volatile' as the xml attribute for functions
# until version 1.8.8 so we also check argsstring:
if node.volatile == "yes" or node.argsstring.endswith("volatile"):
signature += " volatile"
if node.refqual == "lvalue":
signature += "&"
elif node.refqual == "rvalue":
signature += "&&"
# Add `= 0` for pure virtual members.
if node.virt == "pure-virtual":
signature += "= 0"
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
self.context.directive_args[1] = [signature]
nodes = self.run_domain_directive(node.kind, self.context.directive_args[1])
assert is not None
target = self.create_doxygen_target(node)
if len(target) == 0:
print("{}Doxygen target (old): (none)".format(" " * _debug_indent))
"{}Doxygen target (old): {}".format(" " * _debug_indent, target[0]["ids"])
rst_node = nodes[1]
finder = NodeFinder(rst_node.document)
# Templates have multiple signature nodes in recent versions of Sphinx.
# Insert Doxygen target into the first signature node.
if not
target = self.create_doxygen_target(node)
rst_node.children[0].insert(0, target)
return nodes
def visit_define(self, node) -> List[Node]:
declaration =
if node.param:
declaration += "("
for i, parameter in enumerate(node.param):
if i:
declaration += ", "
declaration += parameter.defname
declaration += ")"
# TODO: remove this once Sphinx supports definitions for macros
def add_definition(declarator: Declarator) -> None:
if node.initializer and
declarator.append(nodes.Text(" "))
return self.handle_declaration(node, declaration, declarator_callback=add_definition)
def visit_enum(self, node) -> List[Node]:
def content(contentnode):
values = nodes.emphasis("", nodes.Text("Values:"))
title = nodes.paragraph("", "", values)
contentnode += title
enums = self.render_iterable(node.enumvalue)
names = self.get_qualification()
declaration = self.join_nested_name(names)
dom = self.get_domain()
if (not dom or dom == "cpp") and node.strong == "yes":
# It looks like Doxygen does not make a difference
# between 'enum class' and 'enum struct',
# so render them both as 'enum class'.
obj_type = "enum-class"
underlying_type = "".join(n.astext() for n in self.render(node.type_))
if len(underlying_type.strip()) != 0:
declaration += " : "
declaration += underlying_type
obj_type = "enum"
return self.handle_declaration(
node, declaration, obj_type=obj_type, content_callback=content
def visit_enumvalue(self, node) -> List[Node]:
declaration = + self.make_initializer(node)
declaration =
return self.handle_declaration(node, declaration, obj_type="enumvalue")
def visit_typedef(self, node) -> List[Node]:
type_ = "".join(n.astext() for n in self.render(node.get_type()))
names = self.get_qualification()
name = self.join_nested_name(names)
if node.definition.startswith("using "):
# TODO: looks like Doxygen does not generate the proper XML
# for the template parameter list
declaration = self.create_template_prefix(node)
declaration += " " + name + " = " + type_
# TODO: Both "using" and "typedef" keywords get into this function,
# and if no @typedef comment was added, the definition should
# contain the full text. If a @typedef was used instead, the
# definition has only the typename, which makes it impossible to
# distinguish between them so fallback to "typedef" behavior here.
declaration = " ".join([type_, name, node.get_argsstring()])
return self.handle_declaration(node, declaration)
def make_initializer(self, node) -> str:
initializer = node.initializer
signature: List[Node] = []
if initializer:
render_nodes = self.render(initializer)
# Do not append separators for paragraphs.
if not isinstance(render_nodes[0], nodes.paragraph):
separator = " "
assert isinstance(render_nodes[0], nodes.Text)
if not render_nodes[0].startswith("="):
separator += "= "
return "".join(n.astext() for n in signature)
def visit_variable(self, node) -> List[Node]:
names = self.get_qualification()
name = self.join_nested_name(names)
dom = self.get_domain()
options = {}
if dom == "py":
declaration = name
initializer = self.make_initializer(node).strip().lstrip("=").strip()
if len(initializer) != 0:
options["value"] = initializer
elif dom == "cs":
declaration = " ".join(
"".join(n.astext() for n in self.render(node.get_type())),
if node.get_gettable() or node.get_settable():
declaration += "{"
if node.get_gettable():
declaration += "get;"
if node.get_settable():
declaration += "set;"
declaration += "}"
declaration += self.make_initializer(node)
elements = [self.create_template_prefix(node)]
if node.static == "yes":
if node.mutable == "yes":
typename = "".join(n.astext() for n in self.render(node.get_type()))
# Doxygen sometimes leaves 'static' in the type,
# e.g., for "constexpr static int i"
typename = typename.replace("static ", "")
if dom == "c" and "::" in typename:
typename = typename.replace("::", ".")
declaration = " ".join(elements)
if not dom or dom in ("c", "cpp", "py", "cs"):
return self.handle_declaration(node, declaration, options=options)
return self.render_declaration(node, declaration)
def visit_friendclass(self, node) -> List[Node]:
dom = self.get_domain()
assert not dom or dom == "cpp"
desc = addnodes.desc()
desc["objtype"] = "friendclass"
desc["domain"] = self.get_domain() if self.get_domain() else "cpp"
signode = addnodes.desc_signature()
desc += signode
typ = "".join(n.astext() for n in self.render(node.get_type()))
# in Doxygen < 1.9 the 'friend' part is there, but afterwards not
assert typ in ("friend class", "friend struct", "class", "struct")
if not typ.startswith("friend "):
typ = "friend " + typ
signode += addnodes.desc_annotation(typ, typ)
signode += nodes.Text(" ")
# expr = cpp.CPPExprRole(asCode=False)
# expr.text =
# TODO: set most of the things that SphinxRole.__call__ sets
# signode.extend(
signode += nodes.Text(
return [desc]
def visit_templateparam(
self, node: compound.paramTypeSub, *, insertDeclNameByParsing: bool = False
) -> List[Node]:
nodelist: List[Node] = []
# Parameter type
if node.type_:
type_nodes = self.render(node.type_)
# Render keywords as annotations for consistency with the cpp domain.
if len(type_nodes) > 0 and isinstance(type_nodes[0], str):
first_node = type_nodes[0]
for keyword in ["typename", "class"]:
if first_node.startswith(keyword + " "):
type_nodes[0] = nodes.Text(first_node.replace(keyword, "", 1))
type_nodes.insert(0, addnodes.desc_annotation(keyword, keyword))
# Parameter name
if node.declname:
dom = self.get_domain()
if not dom:
dom = "cpp"
appendDeclName = True
if insertDeclNameByParsing:
if dom == "cpp" and sphinx.version_info >= (4, 1, 0):
parser = cpp.DefinitionParser(
"".join(n.astext() for n in nodelist),
# we really should use _parse_template_parameter()
# but setting a name there is non-trivial, so we use type
ast = parser._parse_type(named="single", outer="templateParam")
assert is None
nn = cpp.ASTNestedName(
cpp.ASTNestedNameElement(cpp.ASTIdentifier(node.declname), None)
) = nn
# the actual nodes don't matter, as it is astext()-ed later
nodelist = [nodes.Text(str(ast))]
appendDeclName = False
except cpp.DefinitionError:
# happens with "typename ...Args", so for now, just append
if appendDeclName:
if nodelist:
nodelist.append(nodes.Text(" "))
elif self.output_defname and node.defname:
# We only want to output the definition name (from the cpp file) if the declaration name
# (from header file) isn't present
if nodelist:
nodelist.append(nodes.Text(" "))
# array information
if node.array:
# Default value
if node.defval:
nodelist.append(nodes.Text(" = "))
return nodelist
def visit_templateparamlist(self, node: compound.templateparamlistTypeSub) -> List[Node]:
nodelist: List[Node] = []
self.output_defname = False
for i, item in enumerate(node.param):
if i:
nodelist.append(nodes.Text(", "))
nodelist.extend(self.visit_templateparam(item, insertDeclNameByParsing=True))
self.output_defname = True
return nodelist
def visit_docparamlist(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Parameter/Exception/TemplateParameter documentation"""
fieldListName = {
"param": "param",
"exception": "throws",
"templateparam": "tparam",
# retval support available on Sphinx >= 4.3
"retval": "returns" if sphinx.version_info[0:2] < (4, 3) else "retval",
fieldList = nodes.field_list()
for item in node.parameteritem:
# TODO: does item.parameternamelist really have more than 1 parametername?
assert len(item.parameternamelist) <= 1, item.parameternamelist
nameNodes: List[Node] = []
parameterDirectionNodes = []
if len(item.parameternamelist) != 0:
paramNameNodes = item.parameternamelist[0].parametername
if len(paramNameNodes) != 0:
nameNodes = []
for paramName in paramNameNodes:
content = paramName.content_
# this is really a list of MixedContainer objects, i.e., a generic object
# we assume there is either 1 or 2 elements, if there is 2 the first is the
# parameter direction
assert len(content) == 1 or len(content) == 2, content
thisName = self.render(content[-1])
if len(nameNodes) != 0:
if node.kind == "exception":
msg = "Doxygen \\exception commands with multiple names can not be"
msg += " converted to a single :throws: field in Sphinx."
msg += " Exception '{}' suppresed from output.".format(
"".join(n.astext() for n in thisName)
nameNodes.append(nodes.Text(", "))
if len(content) == 2:
# note, each paramName node seems to have the same direction,
# so just use the last one
dir = "".join(n.astext() for n in self.render(content[0])).strip()
assert dir in ("[in]", "[out]", "[inout]"), ">" + dir + "<"
parameterDirectionNodes = [nodes.strong(dir, dir), nodes.Text(" ", " ")]
# it seems that Sphinx expects the name to be a single node,
# so let's make it that
txt = fieldListName[node.kind] + " "
for n in nameNodes:
txt += n.astext()
name = nodes.field_name("", nodes.Text(txt))
bodyNodes = self.render_optional(item.parameterdescription)
# TODO: is it correct that bodyNodes is either empty or a single paragraph?
assert len(bodyNodes) <= 1, bodyNodes
if len(bodyNodes) == 1:
assert isinstance(bodyNodes[0], nodes.paragraph)
bodyNodes = [
nodes.paragraph("", "", *(parameterDirectionNodes + bodyNodes[0].children))
body = nodes.field_body("", *bodyNodes)
field = nodes.field("", name, body)
fieldList += field
return [fieldList]
def visit_docdot(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Translate node from doxygen's dot command to sphinx's graphviz directive."""
graph_node = graphviz()
if node.content_ and node.content_[0].getValue().rstrip("\n"):
graph_node["code"] = node.content_[0].getValue()
graph_node["code"] = "" # triggers another warning from sphinx.ext.graphviz
# would be better if this output includes the parent node's
# name/reference, but that would always be a <para> element.
"no content provided for generating DOT graph."
graph_node["options"] = {}
if node.caption:
caption_node = nodes.caption(node.caption, "")
caption_node += nodes.Text(node.caption)
return [nodes.figure("", graph_node, caption_node)]
return [graph_node]
def visit_docdotfile(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Translate node from doxygen's dotfile command to sphinx's graphviz directive."""
dotcode = ""
dot_file_path = # type: str
# Doxygen v1.9.3+ uses a relative path to specify the dot file.
# Previously, Doxygen used an absolute path.
# This relative path is with respect to the XML_OUTPUT path.
# Furthermore, Doxygen v1.9.3+ will copy the dot file into the XML_OUTPUT
if not os.path.isabs(dot_file_path):
# Use self.project_info.project_path as the XML_OUTPUT path, and
# make it absolute with consideration to the path
project_path = self.project_info.project_path()
if os.path.isabs(project_path):
dot_file_path = os.path.abspath(project_path + os.sep + dot_file_path)
dot_file_path = os.path.abspath( + os.sep + project_path + os.sep + dot_file_path
with open(dot_file_path, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
dotcode =
if not dotcode.rstrip("\n"):
raise RuntimeError("%s found but without any content" % dot_file_path)
except OSError as exc:
# doxygen seems to prevent this from triggering as a non-existant file
# generates no XML output for the corresponding `\dotfile` cmd
self.state.document.reporter.warning(exc) # better safe than sorry
except RuntimeError as exc:
graph_node = graphviz()
graph_node["code"] = dotcode
graph_node["options"] = {"docname": dot_file_path}
caption = "" if not node.content_ else node.content_[0].getValue()
if caption:
caption_node = nodes.caption(caption, "")
caption_node += nodes.Text(caption)
return [nodes.figure("", graph_node, caption_node)]
return [graph_node]
def visit_docgraph(self, node: compoundsuper.graphType) -> List[Node]:
"""Create a graph (generated by doxygen - not user-defined) from XML using dot
# use graphs' legend from doxygen (v1.9.1)
# most colors can be changed via `graphviz_dot_args` in
edge_colors = {
# blue (#1414CE) doesn't contrast well in dark mode.
# "public-inheritance": "1414CE", # allow user to customize this one
"private-inheritance": "8B1A1A", # hardcoded
"protected-inheritance": "006400", # hardcoded
# the following are demonstrated in the doxygen graphs' legend, but
# these don't show in XML properly (bug?); these keys are fiction.
"used-internal": "9C35CE", # should also be dashed
"template-instantiated-inheritance": "FFA500", # should also be dashed
# assemble the dot syntax we'll pass to the graphviz directive
dot = "digraph {\n"
dot += ' graph [bgcolor="#00000000"]\n' # transparent color for graph's bg
dot += ' node [shape=rectangle style=filled fillcolor="#FFFFFF"'
dot += " font=Helvetica padding=2]\n"
dot += ' edge [color="#1414CE"]\n'
relations = []
for g_node in node.get_node():
dot += ' "%s" [label="%s"' % (g_node.get_id(), g_node.get_label())
dot += ' tooltip="%s"' % g_node.get_label()
if g_node.get_id() == "1":
# the disabled grey color is used in doxygen to indicate that the URL is
# not set (for the compound in focus). Setting this here doesn't allow
# further customization. Maybe remove this since URL is not used?
dot += ' fillcolor="#BFBFBF"' # hardcoded
# URLs from a doxygen refid won't work in sphinx graphviz; we can't convert
# the refid until all docs are built, and pending references are un-noticed
# within graphviz directives. Maybe someone wiser will find a way to do it.
# dot += ' URL="%s"' % g_node.get_link().get_refid()
dot += "]\n"
for child_node in g_node.childnode:
edge = f' "{g_node.get_id()}"'
edge += f' -> "{child_node.get_refid()}" ['
edge += f"dir={node.get_direction()} "
# edge labels don't appear in XML (bug?); use tooltip in meantime
edge += 'tooltip="%s"' % child_node.get_relation()
if child_node.get_relation() in edge_colors.keys():
edge += ' color="#%s"' % edge_colors.get(child_node.get_relation())
edge += "]\n"
for relation in relations:
dot += relation
dot += "}"
# use generated dot syntax to create a graphviz node
graph_node = graphviz()
graph_node["code"] = dot
graph_node["align"] = "center"
graph_node["options"] = {}
caption = node.get_caption()
# if caption is first node in a figure, then everything that follows is
# considered a caption. Use a paragraph followed by a figure to center the
# graph. This may have illegible side effects for very large graphs.
caption_node = nodes.paragraph("", nodes.Text(caption))
return [caption_node, nodes.figure("", graph_node)]
def visit_unknown(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Visit a node of unknown type."""
return []
def dispatch_compound(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Dispatch handling of a compound node to a suitable visit method."""
if node.kind in ["file", "dir", "page", "example", "group"]:
return self.visit_file(node)
return self.visit_compound(node)
def dispatch_memberdef(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Dispatch handling of a memberdef node to a suitable visit method."""
if node.kind in ("function", "signal", "slot") or (
node.kind == "friend" and node.argsstring
return self.visit_function(node)
if node.kind == "enum":
return self.visit_enum(node)
if node.kind == "typedef":
return self.visit_typedef(node)
if node.kind == "variable":
return self.visit_variable(node)
if node.kind == "property":
# Note: visit like variable for now
return self.visit_variable(node)
if node.kind == "event":
# Note: visit like variable for now
return self.visit_variable(node)
if node.kind == "define":
return self.visit_define(node)
if node.kind == "friend":
# note, friend functions should be dispatched further up
return self.visit_friendclass(node)
return self.render_declaration(node, update_signature=self.update_signature)
# A mapping from node types to corresponding dispatch and visit methods.
# Dispatch methods, as the name suggest, dispatch nodes to appropriate visit
# methods based on node attributes such as kind.
methods: Dict[str, Callable[["SphinxRenderer", Any], List[Node]]] = {
"doxygen": visit_doxygen,
"doxygendef": visit_doxygendef,
"compound": dispatch_compound,
"compounddef": visit_compounddef,
"sectiondef": visit_sectiondef,
"memberdef": dispatch_memberdef,
"docreftext": visit_docreftext,
"docheading": visit_docheading,
"docpara": visit_docpara,
"docparblock": visit_docparblock,
"docimage": visit_docimage,
"docurllink": visit_docurllink,
"docmarkup": visit_docmarkup,
"docsect1": visit_docsectN,
"docsect2": visit_docsectN,
"docsect3": visit_docsectN,
"docsimplesect": visit_docsimplesect,
"doctitle": visit_doctitle,
"docformula": visit_docformula,
"listing": visit_listing,
"codeline": visit_codeline,
"highlight": visit_highlight,
"verbatim": visit_verbatim,
"inc": visit_inc,
"ref": visit_ref,
"doclist": visit_doclist,
"doclistitem": visit_doclistitem,
"enumvalue": visit_enumvalue,
"linkedtext": visit_linkedtext,
"compoundref": visit_compoundref,
"mixedcontainer": visit_mixedcontainer,
"description": visit_description,
"templateparamlist": visit_templateparamlist,
"docparamlist": visit_docparamlist,
"docxrefsect": visit_docxrefsect,
"docvariablelist": visit_docvariablelist,
"docvarlistentry": visit_docvarlistentry,
"docanchor": visit_docanchor,
"doctable": visit_doctable,
"docrow": visit_docrow,
"docentry": visit_docentry,
"docdotfile": visit_docdotfile,
"docdot": visit_docdot,
"graph": visit_docgraph,
"docblockquote": visit_docblockquote,
def render_string(self, node: str) -> List[Node]:
# Skip any nodes that are pure whitespace
# Probably need a better way to do this as currently we're only doing
# it skip whitespace between higher-level nodes, but this will also
# skip any pure whitespace entries in actual content nodes
# We counter that second issue slightly by allowing through single white spaces
stripped = node.strip()
if stripped:
delimiter = None
if "<linebreak>" in stripped:
delimiter = "<linebreak>"
elif "\n" in stripped:
delimiter = "\n"
if delimiter:
# Render lines as paragraphs because RST doesn't have line breaks.
return [
nodes.paragraph("", "", nodes.Text(line.strip()))
for line in node.split(delimiter)
if line.strip()
# importantly, don't strip whitespace as visit_docpara uses it to collapse
# consecutive nodes.Text and rerender them with this function.
return [nodes.Text(node)]
if node == " ":
return [nodes.Text(node)]
return []
def render(self, node, context: Optional[RenderContext] = None) -> List[Node]:
if context is None:
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
context = self.context.create_child_context(node)
with WithContext(self, context):
result: List[Node] = []
self.context = cast(RenderContext, self.context)
if not self.filter_.allow(self.context.node_stack):
elif isinstance(node, str):
result = self.render_string(node)
method = SphinxRenderer.methods.get(node.node_type, SphinxRenderer.visit_unknown)
result = method(self, node)
return result
def render_optional(self, node) -> List[Node]:
"""Render a node that can be None."""
return self.render(node) if node else []
def render_iterable(self, iterable: List) -> List[Node]:
output: List[Node] = []
for entry in iterable:
return output
def setup(app: Sphinx) -> None:
app.add_config_value("breathe_debug_trace_directives", False, "")
app.add_config_value("breathe_debug_trace_doxygen_ids", False, "")
app.add_config_value("breathe_debug_trace_qualification", False, "")