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412 lines
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"""Utility code for "Doc fields".
"Doc fields" are reST field lists in object descriptions that will
be domain-specifically transformed to a more appealing presentation.
from __future__ import annotations
import contextlib
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.nodes import Element, Node
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.locale import __
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.nodes import get_node_line
from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner
from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription
from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
from sphinx.util.typing import TextlikeNode
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _is_single_paragraph(node: nodes.field_body) -> bool:
"""True if the node only contains one paragraph (and system messages)."""
if len(node) == 0:
return False
elif len(node) > 1:
for subnode in node[1:]: # type: Node
if not isinstance(subnode, nodes.system_message):
return False
return isinstance(node[0], nodes.paragraph)
class Field:
"""A doc field that is never grouped. It can have an argument or not, the
argument can be linked using a specified *rolename*. Field should be used
for doc fields that usually don't occur more than once.
The body can be linked using a specified *bodyrolename* if the content is
just a single inline or text node.
:returns: description of the return value
:rtype: description of the return type
is_grouped = False
is_typed = False
def __init__(
name: str,
names: tuple[str, ...] = (),
label: str = '',
has_arg: bool = True,
rolename: str = '',
bodyrolename: str = '',
) -> None:
| = name
self.names = names
self.label = label
self.has_arg = has_arg
self.rolename = rolename
self.bodyrolename = bodyrolename
def make_xref(self, rolename: str, domain: str, target: str,
innernode: type[TextlikeNode] = addnodes.literal_emphasis,
contnode: Node | None = None, env: BuildEnvironment | None = None,
inliner: Inliner | None = None, location: Element | None = None) -> Node:
# note: for backwards compatibility env is last, but not optional
assert env is not None
assert (inliner is None) == (location is None), (inliner, location)
if not rolename:
return contnode or innernode(target, target) # type: ignore[call-arg]
# The domain is passed from DocFieldTransformer. So it surely exists.
# So we don't need to take care the env.get_domain() raises an exception.
role = env.get_domain(domain).role(rolename)
if role is None or inliner is None:
if role is None and inliner is not None:
msg = __("Problem in %s domain: field is supposed "
"to use role '%s', but that role is not in the domain.")
logger.warning(__(msg), domain, rolename, location=location)
refnode = addnodes.pending_xref('', refdomain=domain, refexplicit=False,
reftype=rolename, reftarget=target)
refnode += contnode or innernode(target, target) # type: ignore[call-arg]
return refnode
lineno = -1
if location is not None:
with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
lineno = get_node_line(location)
ns, messages = role(rolename, target, target, lineno, inliner, {}, [])
return nodes.inline(target, '', *ns)
def make_xrefs(self, rolename: str, domain: str, target: str,
innernode: type[TextlikeNode] = addnodes.literal_emphasis,
contnode: Node | None = None, env: BuildEnvironment | None = None,
inliner: Inliner | None = None, location: Element | None = None,
) -> list[Node]:
return [self.make_xref(rolename, domain, target, innernode, contnode,
env, inliner, location)]
def make_entry(self, fieldarg: str, content: list[Node]) -> tuple[str, list[Node]]:
return (fieldarg, content)
def make_field(
types: dict[str, list[Node]],
domain: str,
item: tuple,
env: BuildEnvironment | None = None,
inliner: Inliner | None = None,
location: Element | None = None,
) -> nodes.field:
fieldarg, content = item
fieldname = nodes.field_name('', self.label)
if fieldarg:
fieldname += nodes.Text(' ')
fieldname.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.rolename, domain,
fieldarg, nodes.Text,
env=env, inliner=inliner, location=location))
if len(content) == 1 and (
isinstance(content[0], nodes.Text) or
(isinstance(content[0], nodes.inline) and len(content[0]) == 1 and
isinstance(content[0][0], nodes.Text))):
content = self.make_xrefs(self.bodyrolename, domain,
content[0].astext(), contnode=content[0],
env=env, inliner=inliner, location=location)
fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', nodes.paragraph('', '', *content))
return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody)
class GroupedField(Field):
A doc field that is grouped; i.e., all fields of that type will be
transformed into one field with its body being a bulleted list. It always
has an argument. The argument can be linked using the given *rolename*.
GroupedField should be used for doc fields that can occur more than once.
If *can_collapse* is true, this field will revert to a Field if only used
:raises ErrorClass: description when it is raised
is_grouped = True
list_type = nodes.bullet_list
def __init__(self, name: str, names: tuple[str, ...] = (), label: str = '',
rolename: str = '', can_collapse: bool = False) -> None:
super().__init__(name, names, label, True, rolename)
self.can_collapse = can_collapse
def make_field(
types: dict[str, list[Node]],
domain: str,
items: tuple,
env: BuildEnvironment | None = None,
inliner: Inliner | None = None,
location: Element | None = None,
) -> nodes.field:
fieldname = nodes.field_name('', self.label)
listnode = self.list_type()
for fieldarg, content in items:
par = nodes.paragraph()
par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.rolename, domain, fieldarg,
env=env, inliner=inliner, location=location))
par += nodes.Text(' -- ')
par += content
listnode += nodes.list_item('', par)
if len(items) == 1 and self.can_collapse:
list_item = cast(nodes.list_item, listnode[0])
fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', list_item[0])
return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody)
fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', listnode)
return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody)
class TypedField(GroupedField):
A doc field that is grouped and has type information for the arguments. It
always has an argument. The argument can be linked using the given
*rolename*, the type using the given *typerolename*.
Two uses are possible: either parameter and type description are given
separately, using a field from *names* and one from *typenames*,
respectively, or both are given using a field from *names*, see the example.
:param foo: description of parameter foo
:type foo: SomeClass
-- or --
:param SomeClass foo: description of parameter foo
is_typed = True
def __init__(
name: str,
names: tuple[str, ...] = (),
typenames: tuple[str, ...] = (),
label: str = '',
rolename: str = '',
typerolename: str = '',
can_collapse: bool = False,
) -> None:
super().__init__(name, names, label, rolename, can_collapse)
self.typenames = typenames
self.typerolename = typerolename
def make_field(
types: dict[str, list[Node]],
domain: str,
items: tuple,
env: BuildEnvironment | None = None,
inliner: Inliner | None = None,
location: Element | None = None,
) -> nodes.field:
def handle_item(fieldarg: str, content: list[Node]) -> nodes.paragraph:
par = nodes.paragraph()
par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.rolename, domain, fieldarg,
addnodes.literal_strong, env=env))
if fieldarg in types:
par += nodes.Text(' (')
# NOTE: using .pop() here to prevent a single type node to be
# inserted twice into the doctree, which leads to
# inconsistencies later when references are resolved
fieldtype = types.pop(fieldarg)
if len(fieldtype) == 1 and isinstance(fieldtype[0], nodes.Text):
typename = fieldtype[0].astext()
par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.typerolename, domain, typename,
addnodes.literal_emphasis, env=env,
inliner=inliner, location=location))
par += fieldtype
par += nodes.Text(')')
has_content = any(c.astext().strip() for c in content)
if has_content:
par += nodes.Text(' -- ')
par += content
return par
fieldname = nodes.field_name('', self.label)
if len(items) == 1 and self.can_collapse:
fieldarg, content = items[0]
bodynode: Node = handle_item(fieldarg, content)
bodynode = self.list_type()
for fieldarg, content in items:
bodynode += nodes.list_item('', handle_item(fieldarg, content))
fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', bodynode)
return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody)
class DocFieldTransformer:
Transforms field lists in "doc field" syntax into better-looking
equivalents, using the field type definitions given on a domain.
typemap: dict[str, tuple[Field, bool]]
def __init__(self, directive: ObjectDescription) -> None:
self.directive = directive
self.typemap = directive.get_field_type_map()
def transform_all(self, node: addnodes.desc_content) -> None:
"""Transform all field list children of a node."""
# don't traverse, only handle field lists that are immediate children
for child in node:
if isinstance(child, nodes.field_list):
def transform(self, node: nodes.field_list) -> None:
"""Transform a single field list *node*."""
typemap = self.typemap
entries: list[nodes.field | tuple[Field, Any, Element]] = []
groupindices: dict[str, int] = {}
types: dict[str, dict] = {}
# step 1: traverse all fields and collect field types and content
for field in cast(list[nodes.field], node):
assert len(field) == 2
field_name = cast(nodes.field_name, field[0])
field_body = cast(nodes.field_body, field[1])
# split into field type and argument
fieldtype_name, fieldarg = field_name.astext().split(None, 1)
except ValueError:
# maybe an argument-less field type?
fieldtype_name, fieldarg = field_name.astext(), ''
typedesc, is_typefield = typemap.get(fieldtype_name, (None, None))
# collect the content, trying not to keep unnecessary paragraphs
if _is_single_paragraph(field_body):
paragraph = cast(nodes.paragraph, field_body[0])
content = paragraph.children
content = field_body.children
# sort out unknown fields
if typedesc is None or typedesc.has_arg != bool(fieldarg):
# either the field name is unknown, or the argument doesn't
# match the spec; capitalize field name and be done with it
new_fieldname = fieldtype_name[0:1].upper() + fieldtype_name[1:]
if fieldarg:
new_fieldname += ' ' + fieldarg
field_name[0] = nodes.Text(new_fieldname)
# but if this has a type then we can at least link it
if (typedesc and is_typefield and content and
len(content) == 1 and isinstance(content[0], nodes.Text)):
typed_field = cast(TypedField, typedesc)
target = content[0].astext()
xrefs = typed_field.make_xrefs(
self.directive.domain or '',
if _is_single_paragraph(field_body):
paragraph = cast(nodes.paragraph, field_body[0])
field_body += nodes.paragraph('', '', *xrefs)
typename =
# if the field specifies a type, put it in the types collection
if is_typefield:
# filter out only inline nodes; others will result in invalid
# markup being written out
content = [n for n in content if isinstance(n, (nodes.Inline, nodes.Text))]
if content:
types.setdefault(typename, {})[fieldarg] = content
# also support syntax like ``:param type name:``
if typedesc.is_typed:
argtype, argname = fieldarg.rsplit(None, 1)
except ValueError:
types.setdefault(typename, {})[argname] = \
fieldarg = argname
translatable_content = nodes.inline(field_body.rawsource,
translatable_content.document = field_body.parent.document
translatable_content.source = field_body.parent.source
translatable_content.line = field_body.parent.line
translatable_content += content
# grouped entries need to be collected in one entry, while others
# get one entry per field
if typedesc.is_grouped:
if typename in groupindices:
group = cast(tuple[Field, list, Node], entries[groupindices[typename]])
groupindices[typename] = len(entries)
group = (typedesc, [], field)
new_entry = typedesc.make_entry(fieldarg, [translatable_content])
new_entry = typedesc.make_entry(fieldarg, [translatable_content])
entries.append((typedesc, new_entry, field))
# step 2: all entries are collected, construct the new field list
new_list = nodes.field_list()
for entry in entries:
if isinstance(entry, nodes.field):
# pass-through old field
new_list += entry
fieldtype, items, location = entry
fieldtypes = types.get(, {})
env = self.directive.state.document.settings.env
inliner = self.directive.state.inliner
domain = self.directive.domain or ''
new_list += fieldtype.make_field(fieldtypes, domain, items,
env=env, inliner=inliner, location=location)