"""TeX escaping helper."""
from __future__ import annotations
import re
tex_replacements = [
# map TeX special chars
('$', r'\$'),
('%', r'\%'),
('&', r'\&'),
('#', r'\#'),
('_', r'\_'),
('{', r'\{'),
('}', r'\}'),
('\\', r'\textbackslash{}'),
('~', r'\textasciitilde{}'),
('^', r'\textasciicircum{}'),
# map chars to avoid mis-interpretation in LaTeX
('[', r'{[}'),
(']', r'{]}'),
# map special Unicode characters to TeX commands
('✓', r'\(\checkmark\)'),
('✔', r'\(\pmb{\checkmark}\)'),
('✕', r'\(\times\)'),
('✖', r'\(\pmb{\times}\)'),
# used to separate -- in options
('', r'{}'),
# map some special Unicode characters to similar ASCII ones
# (even for Unicode LaTeX as may not be supported by OpenType font)
('⎽', r'\_'),
('ℯ', r'e'),
('ⅈ', r'i'),
# Greek alphabet not escaped: pdflatex handles it via textalpha and inputenc
# OHM SIGN U+2126 is handled by LaTeX textcomp package
# A map to avoid TeX ligatures or character replacements in PDF output
# xelatex/lualatex/uplatex are handled differently (#5790, #6888)
ascii_tex_replacements = [
# Note: the " renders curly in OT1 encoding but straight in T1, T2A, LY1...
# escaping it to \textquotedbl would break documents using OT1
# Sphinx does \shorthandoff{"} to avoid problems with some languages
# There is no \text... LaTeX escape for the hyphen character -
('-', r'\sphinxhyphen{}'), # -- and --- are TeX ligatures
# ,, is a TeX ligature in T1 encoding, but escaping the comma adds
# complications (whether by {}, or a macro) and is not done
# the next two require textcomp package
("'", r'\textquotesingle{}'), # else ' renders curly, and '' is a ligature
('`', r'\textasciigrave{}'), # else \` and \`\` render curly
('<', r'\textless{}'), # < is inv. exclam in OT1, << is a T1-ligature
('>', r'\textgreater{}'), # > is inv. quest. mark in 0T1, >> a T1-ligature
# A map Unicode characters to LaTeX representation
# (for LaTeX engines which don't support unicode)
unicode_tex_replacements = [
# map some more common Unicode characters to TeX commands
('¶', r'\P{}'),
('§', r'\S{}'),
('€', r'\texteuro{}'),
('∞', r'\(\infty\)'),
('±', r'\(\pm\)'),
('→', r'\(\rightarrow\)'),
('‣', r'\(\rightarrow\)'),
('–', r'\textendash{}'),
# superscript
('⁰', r'\(\sp{\text{0}}\)'),
('¹', r'\(\sp{\text{1}}\)'),
('²', r'\(\sp{\text{2}}\)'),
('³', r'\(\sp{\text{3}}\)'),
('⁴', r'\(\sp{\text{4}}\)'),
('⁵', r'\(\sp{\text{5}}\)'),
('⁶', r'\(\sp{\text{6}}\)'),
('⁷', r'\(\sp{\text{7}}\)'),
('⁸', r'\(\sp{\text{8}}\)'),
('⁹', r'\(\sp{\text{9}}\)'),
# subscript
('₀', r'\(\sb{\text{0}}\)'),
('₁', r'\(\sb{\text{1}}\)'),
('₂', r'\(\sb{\text{2}}\)'),
('₃', r'\(\sb{\text{3}}\)'),
('₄', r'\(\sb{\text{4}}\)'),
('₅', r'\(\sb{\text{5}}\)'),
('₆', r'\(\sb{\text{6}}\)'),
('₇', r'\(\sb{\text{7}}\)'),
('₈', r'\(\sb{\text{8}}\)'),
('₉', r'\(\sb{\text{9}}\)'),
# TODO: this should be called tex_idescape_map because its only use is in
# sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.idescape()
# %, {, }, \, #, and ~ are the only ones which must be replaced by _ character
# It would be simpler to define it entirely here rather than in init().
# Unicode replacements are superfluous, as idescape() uses backslashreplace
tex_replace_map: dict[int, str] = {}
_tex_escape_map: dict[int, str] = {}
_tex_escape_map_without_unicode: dict[int, str] = {}
_tex_hlescape_map: dict[int, str] = {}
_tex_hlescape_map_without_unicode: dict[int, str] = {}
def escape(s: str, latex_engine: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Escape text for LaTeX output."""
if latex_engine in ('lualatex', 'xelatex'):
# unicode based LaTeX engine
return s.translate(_tex_escape_map_without_unicode)
return s.translate(_tex_escape_map)
def hlescape(s: str, latex_engine: str | None = None) -> str:
"""Escape text for LaTeX highlighter."""
if latex_engine in ('lualatex', 'xelatex'):
# unicode based LaTeX engine
return s.translate(_tex_hlescape_map_without_unicode)
return s.translate(_tex_hlescape_map)
def escape_abbr(text: str) -> str:
"""Adjust spacing after abbreviations. Works with @ letter or other."""
return re.sub(r'\.(?=\s|$)', r'.\@{}', text)
def init() -> None:
for a, b in tex_replacements:
_tex_escape_map[ord(a)] = b
_tex_escape_map_without_unicode[ord(a)] = b
tex_replace_map[ord(a)] = '_'
# no reason to do this for _tex_escape_map_without_unicode
for a, b in ascii_tex_replacements:
_tex_escape_map[ord(a)] = b
# but the hyphen has a specific PDF bookmark problem
# https://github.com/latex3/hyperref/issues/112
_tex_escape_map_without_unicode[ord('-')] = r'\sphinxhyphen{}'
for a, b in unicode_tex_replacements:
_tex_escape_map[ord(a)] = b
# This is actually unneeded:
tex_replace_map[ord(a)] = '_'
for a, b in tex_replacements:
if a in '[]{}\\':
_tex_hlescape_map[ord(a)] = b
_tex_hlescape_map_without_unicode[ord(a)] = b
for a, b in unicode_tex_replacements:
_tex_hlescape_map[ord(a)] = b