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<h1 id="electromagneticinformation-theory-for-wireless-communication">Electromagnetic Information Theory for Wireless Communication</h1>
<p>Electromagnetic field theory provides the fundamental physics of wireless communications. Over the pastdecades, EM theory has played a significant role in the design, performance assessment, and deployment planningof wireless devices and systems. Meanwhile, ever increasing demands for the network capacity in wirelesscommunications have pushed the data rate towards and beyond multi-Gigabits per second (Gbps). Massivedistributed arrays, mm-wave bands, network densification, and new waveforms serve as promising and powerfuloptions for achieving these rates. The major limiting factor preventing these emerging wireless systemsfrom realizing their full potential is our understanding of the physical layer. Specifically, our ability to preciselymodel the physics of wireless signal propagation channels in diverse and complex environments.</p>
<p>The objective of this research is to investigate electromagnetic information theory for wireless communication through complicated diffuse mulitpath environments. Applications include indoor radio channels,dense urban cells, transmission through diffusive random media and disordered media,etc. The objective is attained by cutting across traditional disciplinary boundaries between electromagnetictheory, wave chaos physics, random statistical analysis and information theory. The methodology is to firstestablish fundamental statistical representations of diffuse multipath media, then integrate component-specificfeatures of transmitters and receivers, and finally encode the governing physics into the mathematical information theory. </p>
<p><img src="/assets/images/research/ProblemStatement.jpg" alt="ProblemStatement" />
<img src="/assets/images/research/SGFComm.png" alt="SGFComm" /></p>
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<p>Links for Members:</p>
<div><a href="https://git.acem.ece.illinois.edu/">Gitea</a></div>
<p id="author">Made by Kenneth Jao</p>