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<h1>TOPICS</h1> |
<p>We tackle a broad set of problems relating to the electromagnetic phenomena, from antennas and propagation, to electromagnetic interference/compatiblity, to wireless communication.</p> |
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<h1 class="centerHeading" id="engineering-applications">Engineering Applications</h1> |
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<h2 id="full-wave-field-solvers-for-signal-integrity-si-and-em-interference-emi-analysis-of-product-level-integrated-circuits-ics-and-electronics">Full-Wave Field Solvers for Signal Integrity (SI) and EM Interference (EMI) Analysis of Product-Level Integrated Circuits (ICs) and Electronics</h2> |
<p>Ever-increasing complexity in high-speed electronic devices and systems presents significant computational challenges in numerical analysis in terms of desired accuracy, efficiency, and scalable parallelism. We investigate high-resolution, high-performance full-wave field solvers for scalable electromagnetic simulations of product-level integrated circuits (ICs) and electronics.</p> |
<p><a href="/applications/SIEMI/">Read More</a></p> |
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<img src="/assets/images/research/Intra-System-EMIEMC/IEMI-2.png" alt="IEMIMotivation" /> |
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<h2 id="stochastic-wave-model-statistically-replicating-reverberation-chambers">Stochastic Wave Model Statistically Replicating Reverberation Chambers</h2> |
<p>We present a novel physics-oriented statistical representation for complex multipath environments, and develop a hybrid deterministic and stochastic formulation incorporating component-specific features. The advancements lead to a stochastic wave model statistically replicating mode-stirred reverberation chambers, and establish an imperative design-under-chaos capability for electronic devices and systems. The research work is evaluated and validated through representative experiments.</p> |
<p><a href="/applications/reverberation-chamber/">Read More</a></p> |
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<h2 id="deterministic-and-statistical-modeling-of-wireless-channel">Deterministic and Statistical Modeling of Wireless Channel</h2> |
<p>We present a full-wave field-based computational methodology for radio wave propagation in complex urban environments. Both transmitting/receiving antennas and propagation environments are modeled by first-principles calculations. System-level, large scene analysis is enabled by scalable, ultra-parallel algorithms on emerging high-performance computing platforms. The proposed computational framework is verified and validated with semi-analytical models and representative measurements.</p> |
<p><a href="/applications/statistical-channel/">Read More</a></p> |
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<h1 id="domain-decomposition-methodology-for-solving-maxwells-equations">Domain Decomposition Methodology for Solving Maxwell’s Equations</h1> |
<p>One basic research that we have conducted is the study of robust yet efficient ways for solving Maxwell Equations. The research, usually called computational electromagnetics (CEM), is highly mathematical and abstract in itself, and can be stated as one of the principal research topics in electromagnetic fields. The implication and impact of this research are astronomical. It is the heart of modern computer-aided engineering/computer-aided design (CAE/CAD) tools for advanced antennas, radio propagation, integrated circuits, EM interference and compatibility, signal and power integrity, and other applications in EM and microwave engineering.</p> |
<p>Nowadays, ever-increasing fidelity and accuracy need for advanced EM applications have been pushing the problem sizes towards extreme scales. It puts a high premium on high-performance algorithms with optimal computational complexity. Moreover, increased demands are being placed on an integrated design and analysis environment, which requires new simulation tools to be well integrated into design processes. |
The goal of this research is to investigate first-principles modeling and analysis tools for these extremely large, multi-scale problems. The emphasis is placed on advancing parallel algorithms that are provably scalable, and facilitating a design-through-analysis paradigm for emerging and future complex systems.</p> |
<p>In recent years, domain decomposition (DD) methods have enjoyed considerable success in solving large multi-scale EM problems. These methods feature divide-and-conquerin solution algorithms (applying the most suitable solution strategy to solve each sub-problem) and plug-in-play in software architectures (integrating individual EM solvers into a portable and extensible solution suite). They also result in highly efficient and naturally parallelizable algorithms on distributed memory many-core parallel computing systems.</p> |
<p><img src="/assets/images/research/DDOverview.png" alt="DomainDecomposition" /></p> |
<p>The main innovations in computational algorithms are summarized as follows:</p> |
<h3 id="multi-resolution-discontinuous-galerkin-boundary-element-method-dg-bem-13">Multi-resolution discontinuous Galerkin boundary element method (DG-BEM) [1–3].</h3> |
<p>The objective of this work is to allow the solution of integral equations using discontinuous trial and test functions without any consideration of continuity requirements across element’s boundaries. We can mix different types of elements and employ different order of basis functions within the same discretization. Built upon the DG-BEM, we investigate a rigorous, adaptive, and parallel coarse-graining method to reduce the computational complexity in the multi-scale computation. The work received 2014 IEEE Antenna and Propagation Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award.</p> |
<h4 id="1-z-peng-k-h-lim-and-j-f-lee-a-discontinuous-galerkin-surface-integral-equation-method-for-elec--tromagnetic-wave-scattering-from-nonpenetrable-targets-ieee-trans-antennas-propagat-vol-61-no-7-pp-36173628-2013">[1] Z. Peng, K.-H. Lim, and J.-F. Lee, “A discontinuous Galerkin surface integral equation method for elec- tromagnetic wave scattering from nonpenetrable targets,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 61, no. 7, pp. 3617–3628, 2013.</h4> |
<h4 id="2-z-peng-r-hiptmair-y-shao-and-b-mackie-mason-domain-decomposition-preconditioning-for-surface-integral-equations-in-solving-challenging-electromagnetic-scattering-problems-ieee-trans-antennas-and-propagation-vol-64-pp-210223-jan-2016">[2] Z. Peng, R. Hiptmair, Y. Shao, and B. MacKie-Mason, “Domain decomposition preconditioning for surface integral equations in solving challenging electromagnetic scattering problems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, vol. 64, pp. 210–223, Jan 2016.</h4> |
<h4 id="3-h-gao-z-peng-and-x-sheng-a-coarse-grained-integral-equation-method-for-multiscale-electromagnetic-analysis-ieee-transactions-on-antennas-and-propagation-vol-66-pp-16071612-march-2018">[3] H. Gao, Z. Peng, and X. Sheng, “A coarse-grained integral equation method for multiscale electromagnetic analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 66, pp. 1607–1612, March 2018.</h4> |
<h3 id="geometry-aware-domain-decomposition-method-ga-ddm-46">Geometry-aware domain decomposition method (GA-DDM) [4–6].</h3> |
<p>The work can be viewed as a problem decomposition, how to take a complex, multi-scale EM problem and divide it up into sub-problems that can be solved independently and concurrently. Research outcomes lead to: (1) divide-and-conquer in solution algorithms (applying the most suitable solution strategy to solve each sub-problem); (2) plug- in-play in software architectures (integrating individual EM solvers into a portable and extensible solution suite); (3) highly efficient and naturally parallelizable algorithms on distributed memory many-core parallel computing systems. The work received 2018 Best Transaction Paper Award - IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology.</p> |
<h4 id="4-v-dolean-m-j-gander-s-lanteri-j-f-lee-and-z-peng-effective-transmission-conditions-for-domain-decomposition-methods-applied-to-the-time-harmonic-curl-curl-maxwells-equations-j-comput-phys-vol-280-pp-232247-jan-2015">[4] V. Dolean, M. J. Gander, S. Lanteri, J.-F. Lee, and Z. Peng, “Effective transmission conditions for domain decomposition methods applied to the time-harmonic curl-curl Maxwell’s equations,” J. Comput. Phys., vol. 280, pp. 232–247, Jan. 2015.</h4> |
<h4 id="5-h-gao-z-peng-and-x-q-sheng-a-geometry-aware-domain-decomposition-preconditioning-for-hybrid-finite-element-boundary-integral-method-ieee-transactions-on-antennas-and-propagation-vol-pp-no-99-pp-11-2017">[5] H. Gao, Z. Peng, and X. Q. Sheng, “A geometry-aware domain decomposition preconditioning for hybrid finite element-boundary integral method,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1–1, 2017.</h4> |
<h4 id="6-z-peng-y-shao-h-w-gao-s-wang-and-s-lin-high-fidelity-high-performance-computational-algorithms-for-intrasystem-electromagnetic-interference-analysis-of-ic-and-electronics-ieee-transactions-on-components-packaging-and-manufacturing-technology-vol-pp-no-99-pp-116-2017">[6] Z. Peng, Y. Shao, H. W. Gao, S. Wang, and S. Lin, “High-fidelity, high-performance computational algorithms for intrasystem electromagnetic interference analysis of IC and electronics,” IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1–16, 2017.</h4> |
<h3 id="space-time-parallel-computation-for-maxwells-equations-7-8">Space-time parallel computation for Maxwell’s Equations [7-8].</h3> |
<p>A recent breakthrough in my research is the parallel-in-time computation for time-dependent EM wave problems. The objective is to leverage the emerging exascale high-performance computing (HPC) platforms to address the space-scale and time-scale challenges in extreme fidelity EM analysis. (Best Student Paper Award in 2018 ACES conference, Best Conference Paper Award at 2019 EPEPS conference)</p> |
<h4 id="7-shu-wang-yang-shao-and-zhen-peng-a-parallel-in-space-and-time-method-for-transient-electromagnetic-problems-ieee-trans-antennas-propag-vol-67-no-6-pp-3961-3973-june-2019">[7] Shu Wang, Yang Shao, and Zhen Peng, “A Parallel-in-Space-and-Time Method for Transient Electromagnetic Problems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 3961-3973, June 2019.</h4> |
<h4 id="8-shu-wang-and-zhen-peng-a-novel-space-time-building-block-methodology-for-transient-electromagnetic-analysis-28th-conference-on-electrical-performance-of-electronic-packaging-and-systems-montreal-quebec-canada-october-2019">[8] Shu Wang and Zhen Peng, “A Novel Space-Time Building Block Methodology for Transient Electromagnetic Analysis,” 28th Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 2019.</h4> |
<h3 id="multi-trace-boundary-integral-equation-method-911">Multi-trace boundary integral equation method [9–11].</h3> |
<p>A novel multi-trace boundary IE formulation is investigated for the solution of the time-harmonic EM problems in large and deep cavities. The new formulation leads to a well-conditioned system equation, and it is immune from cavity resonances effects</p> |
<h4 id="9-r-hiptmair-c-jerez-hanckes-j-f-lee-and-z-peng-domain-decomposition-for-boundary-integral-equations-via-local-multi-trace-formulations-in-domain-decomposition-methods-in-science-and-engineering-xxi-j-erhel-m-j-gander-l-halpern-g-pichot-t-sassi-and-o-widlund-eds-vol-98-of-lecture-notes-in-computational-science-and-engineering-pp-4357-springer-international-publishing-2014">[9] R. Hiptmair, C. Jerez-Hanckes, J.-F. Lee, and Z. Peng, “Domain decomposition for boundary integral equations via local multi-trace formulations,” in Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI (J. Erhel, M. J. Gander, L. Halpern, G. Pichot, T. Sassi, and O. Widlund, eds.), vol. 98 of Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, pp. 43–57, Springer International Publishing, 2014.</h4> |
<h4 id="10-z-peng-k-h-lim-and-j-f-lee-a-boundary-integral-equation-domain-decomposition-method-for-electromagnetic-scattering-from-large-and-deep-cavities-j-comput-phys-vol-280-no-1-pp-626642-2015">[10] Z. Peng, K.-H. Lim, and J.-F. Lee, “A boundary integral equation domain decomposition method for electromagnetic scattering from large and deep cavities,” J. Comput. Phys., vol. 280, no. 1, pp. 626–642, 2015.</h4> |
<h4 id="11-z-peng-a-novel-multitrace-boundary-integral-equation-formulation-for-electromagnetic-cavity-scattering-problems-ieee-trans-antennas-propagat-vol-63-pp-44464457-oct-2015">[11] Z. Peng, “A novel multitrace boundary integral equation formulation for electromagnetic cavity scattering problems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 63, pp. 4446–4457, Oct 2015.</h4> |
<h3 id="ddm-for-reduced-order-model-1213">DDM for reduced order model [12–13].</h3> |
<p>The proposed work starts with a stationary-variable domain decomposition, where the computational domain is decomposed into large fixed parts and small portions with local variations. Subsequently, we introduce a separable and compressible platform Green’s function at the outer surface of those variable subdomains in an upfront offline calculation. Once obtained, the online computational complexity does not depend on the size of the in situ platform. (Best Student Paper Award in 2019 ACES conference)</p> |
<h4 id="12-s-wang-b-mackie-mason-and-z-peng-platform-aware-in-situ-antenna-and-metamaterial-analysis-and-design-2019-international-applied-computational-electromagnetics-society-symposium-aces-miami-fl-usa-2019-pp-1-2">[12] S. Wang, B. MacKie-Mason and Z. Peng, “Platform-Aware In-Situ Antenna and Metamaterial Analysis and Design,” 2019 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium (ACES), Miami, FL, USA, 2019, pp. 1-2.</h4> |
<h4 id="13-h--w-gao-s-wang-x--q-sheng-and-z-peng-rapid-numerical-analysis-of-electrically-large-pec-platforms-with-local-variations-via-a-platform-greens-function-method-in-ieee-transactions-on-antennas-and-propagation-vol-70-no-10-pp-9544-9556-oct-2022">[13] H. -W. Gao, S. Wang, X. -Q. Sheng and Z. Peng, “Rapid Numerical Analysis of Electrically Large PEC Platforms With Local Variations via a Platform Green’s Function Method,” in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 9544-9556, Oct. 2022.</h4> |
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<p>The foundation of our research is theoretical, computational, and statistical electromagnetics. The classical electromagnetic (EM) theory guided by Maxwell’s Equations has been around for over 150 years. It has an incredible impact on many modern technologies such as antennas and wireless communication, integrated circuits and computer technologies, remote sensing, lasers and optoelectronics, and more. Nowadays, with the exponential growth in computing power, machine intelligence and data revolution, quantum technologies and materials, there are enormous opportunities to continue advancing fundamental EM theories toward next-generation technology developments and applications.</p> |
<p><img src="/assets/images/research/ResearchOverview2019.png" alt="Overview" /></p> |
<p>Our rudimentary research is the pursuit of mathematical and computational models that enable the prediction and discovery of classical and quantum electrodynamic phenomena. These models will allow for the design and optimization of novel electromagnetic and wireless systems at unprecedented scales, and contribute through education to the advancement of understanding. |
Our recent research focus on four interrelated areas: (1) classical electromagnetism with scalable algorithms, (2) statistical electromagnetics integrating order and chaos, (3) quantum electromagnetics: simulating probability in space and time domain, and (4) Smart Radio Environments for NextG wireless systems.</p> |
<h1 class="centerHeading" id="research-topics">Research Topics</h1> |
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<h2 id="domain-decomposition-methodology-for-solving-maxwells-equations-at-scale">Domain Decomposition Methodology for Solving Maxwell’s Equations at Scale</h2> |
<p>The goal of this research is to investigate first-principles modeling and analysis tools for these extremely large, multi-scale problems. The emphasis is placed on advancing parallel algorithms that are provably scalable, and facilitating a design-through-analysis paradigm for emerging and future complex systems.</p> |
<p><a href="/research/domain-decomposition/">Read More</a></p> |
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<img src="/assets/images/research/DDOverview.png" alt="DomainDecomposition" /> |
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<h2 id="physics-oriented-statistical-wave-analysis-for-chaotic-and-disordered-scattering-environments">Physics-Oriented Statistical Wave Analysis for Chaotic and Disordered Scattering Environments</h2> |
<p>The main objective of this work is to investigate new fundamental mathematical models and computational algorithms for statistical wave analysis in complex, confined EM environments. This objective is attained by integrating wave chaos physics, random statistical analysis, and high-performance algorithms on state-of-the-art computational platforms. The research will overcome key challenges in the statistical characterization of three general classes of problems, fully wave chaotic systems, mixed integrable and chaotic systems, and complex fluctuating scattering environments.</p> |
<p><a href="/research/physics-oriented-statistical-wave-analysis/">Read More</a></p> |
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<img src="/assets/images/research/SGF-Motivation.png" alt="CavityCase" /> |
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<h2 id="quantum-computing-and-optimization-in-smart-radio-environments">Quantum Computing and Optimization in Smart Radio Environments</h2> |
<p>Fusing electromagnetic models with quantum computing (QC) algorithms for rapid optimization of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS)-assisted beyond-5G/6G wireless networks.</p> |
<p><a href="/research/quantum-optimization-RIS/">Read More</a></p> |
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<img src="/assets/images/research/Quantum-RIS.png" alt="QuantumRIS" /> |
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<p>Links for Members:</p> |
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<p id="author">Made by Kenneth Jao</p> |
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