Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.

52 lines
1.8 KiB

.. WARNING: The file UtilsMacroFunctionDoc.rst is autogenerated from the file
.. UtilsMacroFunctionDocTemplate.rst in the script
.. Only the file UtilsMacroFunctionDocTemplate.rst should be directly
.. modified!
@MACRO: add_subdirectories() +
@MACRO: advanced_option() +
@MACRO: advanced_set() +
@FUNCTION: append_cmndline_args() +
@MACRO: append_glob() +
@FUNCTION: append_global_set() +
@MACRO: append_set() +
@FUNCTION: append_string_var() +
@FUNCTION: append_string_var_ext() +
@FUNCTION: append_string_var_with_sep() +
@FUNCTION: assert_defined() +
@FUNCTION: combined_option() +
@FUNCTION: concat_strings() +
@MACRO: dual_scope_append_cmndline_args() +
@MACRO: dual_scope_prepend_cmndline_args() +
@MACRO: dual_scope_set() +
@MACRO: global_null_set() +
@MACRO: global_set() +
@FUNCTION: join() +
@FUNCTION: message_wrapper() +
@FUNCTION: multiline_set() +
@FUNCTION: prepend_cmndline_args() +
@MACRO: prepend_global_set() +
@FUNCTION: print_nonempty_var() +
@FUNCTION: print_nonempty_var_with_spaces() +
@FUNCTION: print_var() +
@FUNCTION: print_var_with_spaces() +
@FUNCTION: remove_global_duplicates() +
@FUNCTION: set_cache_on_off_empty() +
@MACRO: set_default() +
@MACRO: set_default_and_from_env() +
@FUNCTION: split() +
@FUNCTION: timer_get_raw_seconds() +
@FUNCTION: timer_get_rel_seconds() +
@FUNCTION: timer_print_rel_time() +
@FUNCTION: tribits_add_enum_cache_var() +
@FUNCTION: tribits_deprecated() +
@FUNCTION: tribits_deprecated_command() +
@MACRO: tribits_create_reverse_list() +
@FUNCTION: tribits_strip_quotes_from_str() +
@FUNCTION: unittest_compare_const() +
@FUNCTION: unittest_has_substr_const() +
@FUNCTION: unittest_not_has_substr_const() +
@FUNCTION: unittest_string_regex() +
@FUNCTION: unittest_string_var_regex() +
@FUNCTION: unittest_file_regex() +
@FUNCTION: unittest_final_result() +