Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.
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This simple example project TribitsSimpleExampleApp is a raw CMake project that pulls in libraries from a few packages from TribitsExampleProject using just find_package(TribitsExProj REQUIRED COMPONENTS ...) and also links a smaller program using a subset of the libraries from one of the packages from TribitsExampleProject.

After building and installing TribitsExampleProject under <upstreamInstallDir>, then configure, build, and test TribitsSimpleExampleApp with:

  cmake \
    -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<upstreamInstallDir> \



NOTE: The version of this project that demonstrates how to use the old interface, with variables that work with much older versions of TriBITS, is given in TribitsOldSimpleExampleApp.