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Generic TriBITS Project, Build, Test, and Install Reference Guide
:Author: Roscoe A. Bartlett
:Contact: bartlett.roscoe@gmail.com
:Date: |date|
:Version: .. include:: TribitsGitVersion.txt
.. |date| date::
:Abstract: This document is generated from the generic template body document ``TribitsBuildReferenceBody.rst`` and provides a general project-independent reference on how to configure, build, test, and install a project that uses the TriBITS CMake build system. The primary audience of this particular build of this document are TriBITS project developers themselves. A project-specific version of this document should be created and accessed by users of a particular TriBITS-based project.
.. sectnum::
.. contents::
This document is created using the script ``create-build-ref.sh`` in this
directory which just runs::
$ ./create-project-build-ref.py \
--project-name="<Project>" \
--project-template-file=TribitsBuildReferenceTemplate.rst \
In a project-specific version, ``<Project>`` is replaced with the actual
project name (e.g. ``Trilinos``). This version of the generated document is
referred to by the general TribitsDeveloperGuide.[rst,html,pdf] document.
Below are given genetic versions of the sections that show up in every
project-specific build of this document.