Cloned SEACAS for EXODUS library with extra build files for internal package management.

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TriBITS System Data Structures

This section describes the global CMake variables that make up the data-structures and the macros/functions that create them that define the TriBITS package dependency system. All of these variables all exist at the base project-level CMakeLists.txt file and are typically not cache variables (and therefore are recomputed on every reconfigure and can therefore accommodate changing enables/disables without a full reconfigure from scratch). These variables define a graph of external packages/TPLs (i.e. pre-built and found out on the system) and internal packages (i.e. buildable CMake packages). This information is meant for maintainers of the TriBITS system itself and should not need to be known by TriBITS Project Developers or even TriBITS Project Architects.

TriBITS naming conventions

Before describing the TriBITS package architecture data-structures and the macros/functions that create and manipulate those data-structures in detail, first we define some naming conventions for TriBITS macros/function and variables.

First, the term "Package" is overloaded in the context of TriBITS (and in CMake for that matter). In the context of TriBITS, here are the different types of entities called a "Package":

  • TriBITS External packages/TPLs listed in the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file and require a <tplDefsDir>/FindTPL<tplName>.cmake file.
  • TriBITS Top-level internal packages directly listed in the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file
  • TriBITS Subpackages for a top-level package (defined by the SUBPACKAGES_DIRS_CLASSIFICATIONS_OPTREQS argument in tribits_package_define_dependencies() command called in the <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake file)
  • Native CMake packages which are found using find_package() and require a <Package>Config.cmake package config file or a Find<Package>.cmake find module file
  • CMake Packaging of a CMake project which means breaking it into components and provide various source and binary distributions. (A TriBITS top-level package maps to a CMake packaging "component".)

Also, there are the collection of all three of the TriBITS-related "packages".

To try to avoid ambiguity, we define the following identifiers that appear in TriBITS variable, macro, and function names:

  • TPL or EXTERNAL_PACKAGE: Variable or function specifically for processing TriITS external packages/TPLs.
  • TOPLEVEL_PACKAGE: Variable or a function specifically for a top-level package (or sometimes if there is no ambiguity just PACKAGE).
  • SUBPACKAGE: Variable or a function specifically for a subpackage (and SUBPACKAGE_FULLNAME if it is the full name of a subpackage which includes the top-level parent package name ${PARENT_PACKAGE_NAME}${SUBPACKAGE}).
  • PACKAGE: Variable or function that could pertain to an external package/TPL, or a top-level package, or a subpackage.

TriBITS uses the follow general case naming conventions for variables, macros, functions and module files:

  • ProperNoun_UPPER_CASE is generally used for global and cache variables. The proper nouns using CamelCase include the names of TriBITS entities like Projects, Repositories, and Packages. UPPER_CASE is used for non-proper nouns. (E.g. Trilinos_SOURCE_DIR)
  • camelCaseVariableName or lower_case_variable_name is generally used for local variable names.
  • tribits_lower_case_name() is generally used for TriBITS functions and macros. (E.g. trilinos_package_define_dependencies())
  • TribitsModuleName.cmake is generally used for TriBITS CMake module file names. (E.g. TribitsAddTest.cmake)

User-level TriBITS Project, Repository, Package and Subpackage Variables

The user-level variables that define a TriBITS Project, Repository, Package and Subpackage are listed in:

  • TriBITS Project Core Variables
  • TriBITS Repository Core Variables
  • TriBITS Package Core Variables
  • TriBITS Subpackage Core Variables
  • TriBITS External Package/TPL Core Variables

These are variables that can be accessed by TriBITS Project Developers but are also used in the internal implementation of TriBITS functionality.

Lists of external and internal packages

List of non-cache top-level project variables:

All of the above list variables are sorted in a valid dependency ordering in that any upstream dependent packages are listed before a given package in these lists. After these variables have been set in the macro tribits_read_all_project_deps_files_create_deps_graph(), they should considered to be constant and not modified.

These variables are described in more detail below.

The original list of all defined external packages (TPLs) read from the processed <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files is given in the list variable:


with size:


The original list of all defined internal top-level packages read in from the processed <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake files is given in the list variable:


with size:


In this list, a defined internal TriBITS Package (i.e. a package that can be built from source) will have ${PACKAGE_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR != "" while a defined external package/TPL will have a non-empty ${PACKAGE_NAME}_FINDMOD != "".

The full list of defined external packages/TPLs and top-level internal packages (i.e. TriBITS top-level packages) (not including subpackages) is stored in the project-level non-cache list variable:


with size:


The first set of elements in this list are the defined external packages/TPLs that are read in from the <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake files from each processed TriBITS repository, in order. This is followed by the set of internal packages (TriBITS packages) that are defined in the <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake files from each processed TriBITS repository, read in order. This list does not include any subpackages.

Note that some of the packages listed in ${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINED_INTERNAL_TOPLEVEL_PACKAGES may actually be treated as external packages and not build from source code and instead will be found on the system as pre-built/pre-installed packages using find_package(<PackageName>). The final decision for if a package is treated as an internal or external package is determined by the variable:


which gets set using various criteria as described in section Determining if a package is internal or external. This variable determines what pre-built/pre-installed packages must be found out on the system if enabled and what internal packages need to be built if enabled.

The set of external packages, internal top-level packages, and internal sub-packages are just called the list of "Packages". When the term "Packages" is used without an adjective, it is usually meant in this more general context.

The set of all of the defined internal top-level packages and subpackages is given by the non-cache project-level list variable:


with the size:


The set of all of the defined external packages/TPLs, internal top-level packages and subpackages is given by the non-cache project-level list variable:


with the size:


These data-structures as well as the package dependencies graph is built up in the macro tribits_read_all_project_deps_files_create_deps_graph() with the call graph described in the section Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph. These data-structures don't consider what packages are actually enabled or disabled.

The enable/disable logic (given an initial set of enables and disables) is applied in the macro tribits_adjust_package_enables(). Once all of this logic has been applied, several lists of enabled and non-enabled packages are computed.

The list of enabled internal top-level packages is given in the non-cache project-level list variable:


with size:


The list of enabled external packages/TPLs and internal top-level packages is given in the non-cache project-level list variable:


with size:


The list of enabled external packages/TPLs, internal top-level and subpackages is given in the non-cache project-level list variable:


with size:


Variables defining the package dependencies graph

TriBITS sets up the following project-level non-cache variables that define the dependencies for each external package/TPL and internal package:


The list of all defined direct required and optional upstream external package/TPL and internal package dependencies, regardless if they are enabled or not. To determine if a given direct upstream package <depPkg> in this list is enabled or not for this package ${PACKAGE_NAME}, check the value of ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<depPkg>. NOTE: The variables ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<depPkg> will be set even for required upstream packages to allow for uniform loops involving required and optional upstream dependencies. (And for a parent package with subpackages, it is possible for a required subpackage to not be enabled and for ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<depPkg> to be OFF as explained in Subpackage enable does not auto-enable the parent package.) This list will be set regardless of if the package ${PACKAGE_NAME} is enabled or not.


List of all enabled direct required and optional upstream external package/TPL and internal package dependencies. This is strict subset of ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES (i.e. all of the <depPkg> items in this list will have ${PACKAGE_NAME}_ENABLE_<depPkg> set to ON).


Is TRUE if the entry <depPkg> in ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES or ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES is a required LIB dependency and is FALSE if it is only an optional LIB dependency.


This list of all define direct extra package test required and optional upstream external package/TPL and internal package dependencies. This list is set regardless if the package ${PACKAGE_NAME} is enabled or not.


The list of all enabled direct extra required and optional upstream external package/TPL and internal package dependencies. This is a strict subset of ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES.


Is TRUE if the entry <depPkg> in ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES or ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES is a required TEST dependency and is FALSE if it is only an optional TEST dependency. For the sake of simplicity and generality, ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_DEP_REQUIRED_<depPkg> will also be set to TRUE or FALSE for <depPkg> in the lists ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES or ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_ENABLED_DEPENDENCIES because a LIB dependency is also implicitly a TEST dependency.

NOTE: The same upstream package <depPkg> can be included in both the lists ${PACKAGE_NAME}_LIB_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES and ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES if <depPkg> is optional in the former but required in the latter (which is a valid situation if you think about it as a package that may be optional for the lib(s) of a package is required by the tests for a package). (Otherwise, duplicate entries will be removed from the list ${PACKAGE_NAME}_TEST_DEFINED_DEPENDENCIES.)

NOTE: Having flat lists containing both optional and required dependencies with the bool variables ${PACKAGE_NAME}_[LIB|TEST]_DEP_REQUIRED_<depPkg> defining which entries are required or optional is modeled after the CMake standard for handing the COMPONENTS and OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS arguments to find_package() in that it passes that info to the <Package>Config.cmake file as the single list variable ${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_COMPONENTS and the bool vars ${CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME}_FIND_REQUIRED_<comp>.

Given the above upstream dependency list variables, the following derived list variables are then constructed which provide navigation from a package to its downstream/forward dependent packages:


For a given package ${PACKAGE_NAME}, lists the names of all of the forward packages <fwdDepPkg> that list this package in their <fwdDepPkg>_LIB_DEFINED_PACKAGES variables.


For a given package ${PACKAGE_NAME}, lists the names of all of the forward packages <fwdDepPkg> that list this package in their <fwdDepPkg>_TEST_DEFINED_PACKAGES variables.

User enable/disable cache variables

The following variables can be set by the user to determine what packages get enabled or disabled:










according to the rules described in Package Dependencies and Enable/Disable Logic.

Determining if a package is internal or external

As mentioned above, some subset of initially internal packages listed in ${PROJECT_NAME}_DEFINED_INTERNAL_TOPLEVEL_PACKAGES (which all have ${PACKAGE_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR != "") may be chosen to be external packages. Packages that could be built internally may be chosen to be treated as external packages (and therefore located on the system using find_package()) by setting:

-D TPL_ENABLE_<PackageTreatedAsExternal>=ON

The final status of whether a package is treated as an internal package or an external package is provided by the variable:


(NOT: The value of ${PACKAGE_NAME}_PACKAGE_BUILD_STATUS is only changed after all of the enable/disable dependency logic is complete.)

As a result, every other package upstream from any of these <PackageTreatedAsExternal> packages must therefore also be treated as external packages automatically and will have ${PACKAGE_NAME}_PACKAGE_BUILD_STATUS=EXTERNAL set accordingly. Also, if any subpackage is determined to be EXTERNAL, then the parent package of that subpackage and every other peer subpackage will also be set to EXTERNAL.

Processing of external packages/TPLs and TriBITS-compliant external packages

The processing of external packages/TPLs is influenced by whether the external package is a regular TriBITS TPL or is a TriBITS-compliant external package. Here, a TriBITS-Compliant External Package has a <Package>Config.cmake file that satisfies the following properties:

  • Has the target <Package>::all_libs.
  • Calls find_dependency() for all upstream packages it depends on.
  • Every upstream dependent package <UpstreamPackage> has the target <UpstreamPackage>::all_libs.

That means that when calling find_package() for a TriBITS-compliant external package, there is no need to worry about finding any of its upstream dependent external packages. That means that any external packages/TPLs defined a TriBITS project which is upstream from a TriBITS-compliant external package will be uniquely defined by calling find_package() on the most downstream TriBITS-compliant external package that depends on it. Therefore, defining the external packages and their targets in this set of external packages just involves calling find_package() on the terminal TriBITS-compliant external packages (i.e. TriBITS-compliant external packages that don't have any downstream dependencies that are external packages). Then the remaining subset of external packages/TPLs that don't have a downstream TriBITS-compliant external package dependency will be defined as usual. (ToDo: Put in a more detailed examples explaining how this works.)

The variables that are set internally to define these different subsets of external packages/TPLs are:

  • <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT: Set the TRUE if the package <Package> provides the <Package>::all_libs target for itself and all of its upstream dependent (internal or external) packages (whether this package is treated as an internal or external package).
  • <Package>_PROCESSED_BY_DOWNSTREAM_TRIBITS_EXTERNAL_PACKAGE: Set to TRUE if the external package/TPL will be processed by downstream TriBITS compliant package. In this case, we just print that we are skipping the find operation and explain why.

An external package with <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=TRUE AND <Package>_PROCESSED_BY_DOWNSTREAM_TRIBITS_EXTERNAL_PACKAGE=FALSE is the one for which find_package(<Package> CONFIG REQUIRED) will be called and does not have any downstream packages that are being treated as external packages.

The variable <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT is set right when the packages are initially defined by reading in the various input files. That is, all initially internal packages that are listed in a <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake file will have <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=TRUE set. While all external packages/TPLs listed in a <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake file will have <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=FALSE set (except for those tagged with TRIBITS_PKG which will have <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=FALSE set).

NOTE: When a TriBITS TPL (i.e. <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=FALSE) is being processed, we can't assume where its <UpstreamPackage>Config.cmake file exists so we must find upstream dependencies using set(<UpstreamPackage>_DIR ...) and find_dependency(<UpstreamPackage> CONFIG REQUIRED).

So the first loop over external packages/TPLs will be those external packages/TPLs that have <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=TRUE OR <Package>_PROCESSED_BY_DOWNSTREAM_TRIBITS_EXTERNAL_PACKAGE=TRUE. And we only call find_package() for those TriBITS-compliant external packages that have <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=TRUE AND <Package>_PROCESSED_BY_DOWNSTREAM_TRIBITS_EXTERNAL_PACKAGE=FALSE.

The second loop are those external packages/TPLs that don't have a downstream TriBITS-compliant external package which are all of those external packages for which <Package>_IS_TRIBITS_COMPLIANT=FALSE AND <Package>_PROCESSED_BY_DOWNSTREAM_TRIBITS_EXTERNAL_PACKAGE=FALSE.

The following global internal cache variables are used to provide more information about a given internal package:


Defines list of only the libraries associated with the given (sub)package and does not list libraries in upstream packages. Linkages to upstream packages is taken care of with calls to target_link_libraries(...) and the dependency management system in CMake takes care of adding these to various link lines as needed (this is what CMake does well). However, when a package has no libraries of its own (which is often the case for packages that have subpackages, for example), then this list of libraries will contain the libraries to the direct dependent upstream packages in order to allow the chain of dependencies to be handled correctly in downstream packages and executables in the same package. In this case, ${PACKAGE_NAME}_HAS_NATIVE_LIBRARIES will be false. The primary purpose of this variable is to passe to target_link_libraries(...) by downstream libraries and executables.


Will be true if a package has native libraries. Otherwise, it will be false. This information is used to build export makefiles to avoid duplicate libraries on the link line.


Lists out, in order, all of the enabled upstream packages that the given package depends on and support that package is enabled in the given package. This is only computed if ${PROJECT_NAME}_GENERATE_EXPORT_FILE_DEPENDENCIES=ON. NOTE: This list does not include the package itself. This list is created after all of the enable/disable logic is applied.


Lists all of the library targets for this package only that are as part of this package added by the tribits_add_library() function. This is used to define a target called ${PACKAGE_NAME}_libs that is then used by tribits_ctest_driver() in the package-by-package mode. If a package has no libraries, then the library targets for all of the immediate upstream direct dependent packages will be added. This is needed for the chain of dependencies to work correctly. Note that subpackages don't have this variable defined for them.


Lists all of the targets associated with this package. This includes all libraries and tests added with tribits_add_library() and tribits_add_executable(). If this package has no targets (no libraries or executables) this this will have the dependency only on ${PARENT_PACKAGE_NAME}_libs. Note that subpackages don't have this variable defined for them.

Function call tree for constructing package dependency graph

Below is the CMake macro and function call graph for constructing the packages lists and dependency data-structures described above.

    Foreach <repoDir> in ${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_REPOSITORIES:
      include( <repoDir>/TPLsList.cmake )
      include( <repoDir>/PackagesList.cmake )
      Foreach <repoDir> in ${PROJECT_NAME}_ALL_REPOSITORIES:
        include( <repoDir>/cmake/RepositoryDependenciesSetup.cmake )
      include( <projectDir>/cmake/ProjectDependenciesSetup.cmake )
          include( <packageDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake )
            Foreach SUBPACKAGE:
                include( <packageDir>/<spkgDir>/cmake/Dependencies.cmake )
                  See same call stack for this macro as shown below